General Conditions for LWRD Licenses Page 2 of 6
deposited, placed or stored in any wetland or watercourse on or off-site. The Licensee may not
conduct work within wetlands or watercourses other than as specifically authorized, unless
otherwise authorized in writing by the Commissioner. Tidal wetlands means “wetland” as
defined by section 22a-29 and “freshwater wetlands and watercourses” means “wetlands” and
“watercourses” as defined by section 22a-38.
6. Unconfined Instream Work. Unless otherwise noted in a condition of the license, the
following conditions apply to projects in non-coastal waters:
Unconfined instream work is limited to the period June 1 through September 30.
Confinement of a work area by cofferdam techniques using sand bag placement, sheet
pile installation (vibratory method only), portadam, or similar confinement devices is
allowed any time of the year. The removal of such confinement devices is allowed any
time of the year.
Once a work area has been confined, in-water work within the confined area is allowed
any time of the year.
The confinement technique used shall completely isolate and protect the confined area
from all flowing water. The use of silt boom/curtain or similar technique as a means
for confinement is prohibited.
7. For State Actions Only - Material or Equipment Storage in the Floodplain. Unless
approved by a Flood Management Exemption, the storage of any materials at the site which
are buoyant, hazardous, flammable, explosive, soluble, expansive, radioactive, or which could
in the event of a flood be injurious to human, animal or plant life, below the elevation of the
five-hundred (500) year flood is prohibited. Any other material or equipment stored at the site
below said elevation by the Licensee or the Licensee's contractor must be firmly anchored,
restrained or enclosed to prevent flotation. The quantity of fuel stored below such elevation
for equipment used at the site shall not exceed the quantity of fuel that is expected to be used
by such equipment in one day. In accordance with the licensee’s Flood Contingency Plan, the
Licensee shall remove equipment and materials from the floodplain during periods when flood
warnings have been issued or are anticipated by a responsible federal, state or local agency. It
shall be the Licensee’s responsibility to obtain such warnings when flooding is anticipated.
8. Temporary Hydraulic Facilities for Water Handling. If not reviewed and approved as a
part of the license application, temporary hydraulic facilities shall be designed by a qualified
professional and in accordance with the Connecticut Guidelines for Soil Erosion and Sediment
Control, the 2004 Connecticut Stormwater Quality Manual, or the Department of
Transportation’s ConnDOT Drainage Manual, as applicable. Temporary hydraulic facilities
may include channels, culverts or bridges which are required for haul roads, channel
relocations, culvert installations, bridge construction, temporary roads, or detours.
9. Excavated Materials. Unless otherwise authorized, all excavated material shall be staged and
managed in a manner which prevents additional impacts to wetlands and watercourses.
10. Best Management Practices. The Licensee shall not cause or allow pollution of any wetlands
or watercourses, including pollution resulting from sedimentation and erosion. In constructing