Architectural and environmental barriers such as distance, terrain or weather; do
not form a basis for eligibility alone. However, a person may be eligible if the
interaction of the disability and environmental barriers prevent the person from
traveling to or from the public bus stop.
Types of Eligibility
There are three types of eligibility:
Unconditional Eligibility - Your disability or health condition always
prevents you from using public buses and you qualify for ADA Paratransit
service for all of your trips.
Conditional Eligibility - You are able to use the public buses for some of
your trips and qualify for ADA Paratransit service for other trips when your
disability or environmental barriers prevent the use of public bus service.
Temporary Eligibility - You have a health condition or disability that
temporarily prevents you from using the public bus.
Application Process
ADA Paratransit service is provided for customers whose disability or health
condition may prevent them from using public bus services for some or all of their
travel. Individuals who are interested in using ADA Paratransit service must apply
and be found eligible according to ADA guidelines. Regional ADA Paratransit
service providers determine an individual's functional abilities and limitations for
using public bus services. A list of service providers in Connecticut is attached to
this application see “ATTACHMENT A”.
To apply for ADA Paratransit eligibility, contact the regional ADA Paratransit
service provider or visit www.CTADA.com.
Once you have filled out as much of the application as you can and submitted it by
mail or online to your regional service provider, allow seven (7) days
and then call your provider to set up your certification interview (a list of service
providers in Connecticut is attached to this application see “ATTACHMENT A”).
If needed, transportation to the interview will be provided and the services of an
American Sign Language or other language interpreter offered at no charge.
Please bring an acceptable form of identification with you (preferably a photo ID) to
the interview. If you do not have a photo ID available, contact your service provider
to determine acceptable forms of identification. You may also bring additional
information about your disability or health condition, but this is not required.