Congress of the United States
House of Representatives
1309 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-6157
(202) 225-2061
Statement of Authority
Dear Sir or Madam:
The Committee on House Administration of the U.S. House of Representatives (the “House”) has
authorized each Member of the House to enter into a long-term vehicle lease in the name of the
congressional district that the Member represents. The lessee in this lease shall be listed as “______
Congressional District of __________________________, U.S. House of Representatives.” Such a
leased vehicle is to be used, consistent with applicable law, House Rules and the Regulations of the
Committee on House Administration, to support the conduct of the Member’s official and
representational duties on behalf of the congressional district he/she represents in the U.S. Congress. The
House’s Vehicle Lease AttachmentDistrict is Lessee” form must be attached to and made part of the
Upon approval of the lease by the Administrative Counsel to the Chief Administrative Officer of
the House, payment of the monthly installments due to the lessor under the terms of the lease will be
made from the Member’s Representational Allowance by the Chief Administrative Officer of the House.
Payment will be made in arrears on or before the end of the calendar month.
The Committee on House Administration recognizes the need to purchase liability and other
required insurance for a leased vehicle and reiterates that each Member is authorized to use his/her
Member’s Representational Allowance to purchase such insurance.
The term of the lease may not exceed the constitutional term of the Congress to which the
Member has been elected unless the Member acknowledges in writing his/her personal responsibility to
fulfill any outstanding obligation in the event the Member ceases to serve in Congress. If, in this
circumstance, the Member does not financially qualify for the transfer of the lease to the Member
personally, the Member must terminate the lease at his/her personal expense.
If you have any questions, please contact the Administrative Counsel at 202-225-6969.