Student ID: School or Research Institute:
First name: Surname:
Supervisory Panel Members:
Confirmation of Candidature
Advisory Committee:
We, the members of the Confirmation of Candidature Advisory Committee, have prepared a written report
(attached) and we recommend:
The Candidature be confirmed.
The Candidature be confirmed, subject to minor amendments/rewriting identified by the Confirmation
of Candidature Research Advisory Committee these amendments are to be undertaken to the
satisfaction of the Principal Supervisor and School or Institute HDR Director.
The Candidature be confirmed, subject to major amendments/rewriting identified by the Confirmation
of Candidature Research Advisory Committee these amendments will be circulated electronically to
the Advisory Committee (the candidate will not be required to make a second presentation).
The Candidature not be confirmed on the basis of the submitted Thesis Proposal and the student be
asked resubmit a new proposal and present a second presentation.
The Candidature not be confirmed and it is recommended that the School/Research Institute Research
and Higher Degrees Committee consider transfer of the candidature to a Master of Philosophy.
The Candidature be reviewed by the School/Research Institute Research and Higher Degrees
Committee to consider recommending that the student be invited to show cause why the candidature
should not be terminated.
Chair of CoC Advisory Committee Signature Date
On behalf of the Supervisory Panel, I endorse the recommendation above and confirm that the candidate has
completed the following requirements:
Early Candidature Plan
Satisfactory budget for
Postgraduate Essentials
Responsible Conduct
of Research Training
We recommend the candidate seek assistance with:
Presentation skills Analytical tools
Writing skills Other
Principal Supervisor Signature Date
Candidate Signature Date
I acknowledge the advice of the
School or Institute HDR Director (or equivalent) Signature Date
When all requirements are met and the candidature is confirmed, please send to the Graduate Research School
via email at
Confirmation of Candidature Form
Recommendation of the Confirmation of Candidature Committee
Supervisory Panel Members please include all members of the candidate’s panel on the form.
Confirmation of Candidature Advisory Committee please list all members including external guests.
Complete the requirements section and ensure the form is signed by the Chair of the
CoC Advisory Committee, Principal Supervisor, Student and HDR Director.
The supervisor ensures the candidate completes the minor amendments and
completes the requirements section.
The supervisor ensures the candidate completes major amendments to the
satisfaction of the Confirmation of Candidature Advisory Committee and completes
the requirements section.
Reschedule Confirmation of Candidature presentation and submission.
To be used only if the School or Research Institute Research and Higher Degrees
Committee finds it is feasible that the candidature be changed to a Master of
The Candidature is reviewed by the School/Research Institute and Higher Degrees by
Research Committee to recommend whether the student be invited to show cause
why the candidature should not be terminated.
Notes for the Confirmation of Candidature Form
Recommendation levels of the Confirmation of Candidature Advisory Committee