University of Alberta | Office of Planned Giving | 3-501, 10230 Jasper Ave NW | Edmonton, AB T5J 4P6
780-492-7400 | 1-888-799-9899 |
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The University of Alberta Office of Planned Giving is prohibited from giving legal or financial advice, and nothing provided in this organizer should be
interpreted as such. The University of Alberta Office of Planned Giving encourages you to consult with your own advisor before creating an estate plan
or deciding whether to create a future gift for the University of Alberta.
Should you wish to support the University of Alberta in your will, please note that our legal name is “The University of
Alberta”. Your lawyer may want to know the university’s charitable registration number is 10810 2831 RR0001.
Supporting the University of Alberta with a Charitable Bequest
Suggested Endowment Bequest Language:
"I give and bequeath the sum of $ (or % of the residue of my estate) to the University of Alberta,
care of the Office of Advancement, to establish an endowment fund, the income of which is to be used by the University of
Alberta or by the Faculty/School of to support (insert designation: for example, library,
fellowship, scholarship, bursary or other award) in my name (or in memory of ).
If the University of Alberta is unable to apply all or part of these funds for the specific purpose(s) stated herein, the
Board of Governors of the University of Alberta is authorized to apply this bequest to other purposes; such purposes,
however, to conform as closely as possible to the spirit and intent of this bequest.”
Suggested General Purposes Bequest Language:
"I give and bequeath the sum of $ (or % of the residue of my estate) to the University of Alberta,
care of the Office of Advancement, for the general purposes of the University and its greatest needs OR to be used in the
Faculty/School of for its general purposes and greatest needs OR to be used in the Faculty/
School of designated to (identify program or project).
If the University of Alberta is unable to apply all or part of these funds for the specific purpose(s) stated herein, the
Board of Governors of the University of Alberta is authorized to apply this bequest to other purposes; such purposes,
however, to conform as closely as possible to the spirit and intent of this bequest.”