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Tribal Higher Education Scholarship
Application Packet
Check List
Application deadline is Wednesday, May 1, 2019 and all other documents (#2-8) must be submitted by
Thursday, August 1, 2019 to have a complete application file. A complete file is to have all items listed below
turned in.
1. ( ) Higher Education Scholarship Application (pages 3 & 4). DUE: Wednesday, May 1, 2019
2. ( ) OFFICIAL college transcripts, if applicable. These will need to be submitted by mid-July when
you apply EVERY YEAR; wait until you have finished your spring qtr/sem before requesting them
from your school. Students need to request transcripts from ALL schools attended.
3. ( ) Financial Needs Analysis: Part 1 (page 5)
Student must fill out Part 1 of the Financial Needs Analysis and then send it to the Financial Aid
Office (FAO) at the school you plan to attend. It is the students’ responsibility to see if the FAO will
send it to Tribal Education or if you will need to get it back to Tribal Education.
The FAO will fill out Part 2 and send it back to the Tribal Education Office. You should check
back with the school in mid-July to verify completion.
4. ( ) Copy of your high school diploma or GED/HiSET certificate or test results (ATTENTION 2019
High School Graduates: Submit your diploma after your graduation date).
5. ( ) Copy of your acceptance letter from the school you plan to attend. You must have applied for
admission at the school(s) you plan to attend. Continuing students will already have this on file
unless you have changed schools.
6. ( ) Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB). You can contact the Tribal Enrollment Office (406)675-2700
ext. 1014 and request that it be sent to the CSKT Scholarship Officer or you can pick it up.
7. ( ) Copy of your 2019-2020 Student Aid Report (SAR). This document can be found at
www.fafsa.ed.gov in your student information. You will need your FSA ID Username or Verified Email
Address and your FSA ID Password to access your FAFSA. You will need your 2017 tax information.
8. ( ) Financial Needs Analysis Part 2. The Financial Aid Officer, from you school, may send it to our
office. You will need to contact your Financial Aid Office to make sure this has been sent to the Tribal
Education Department or if you will need to pick it up. Students should always check with the FAO to
make sure ALL of your paperwork is signed and completed with them.
NOTE TO STUDENTS: Application pages (refer to #1) due by Wednesday, May 1, 2019 and all of the items
listed above (refer to #2 - #8) must be submitted to the CSKT Scholarship Officer no later than Thursday,
August 1, 2019 for priority funding. Your file will be incomplete and you will not be considered for funding
if all items are not turned in. You can still submit items after August 1
but this will cause a delay in issuing
funding to your school.