Once you have met the requirements for admission to the Music Composition option, fill out this form completely
and accurately. Please note that you must also be in compliance with ALL Department policies and
requirements (e.g. current with recital attendance, in compliance with ensemble participation requirements).
When you have attended to these matters, present the application form to the composition faculty adviser for
approval. You also need to complete a Change of Major Request form and have it signed by your adviser. Your
adviser will verify the information you have provided and submit the forms to the Department office. All forms are
located on department website.
Name:%%% % % % % % %Date:%% % % % %
Catalog%year:__________________%Student%ID#:% %% % % % %%
Overall%GPA%(minimum%25%required%for%admission):%%% %
GPA%in%the%Major%(minimum%3.0%required%for%admission):%% % %
Jury%I%completion%date:% % % Grade%for%Jury%I:%% % %
Music%IA%% % % %% Grade%%% % % %
Music%IB%% % % % Grade%%%% % %
Music%4A%% % % % Grade%%%% % %
Music%4B%% % % % Grade%%%% % %
Music%40%% % % % Grade%%% % %
Music%41%% % % % Grade%%%% % %%
Music%47%% % % % Grade%%%% % %
Music%48%% % % % Grade% % % (1st%semester)%
Music%48%% % % % Grade%%% % (2nd%semester)%
Music%48%% % % % Grade%%% % (3rd%semester,%if%necessary)%
%% %I%recommen d%this%student's%admission%to%the%music%composition%option%
%%% %I%do%not%recomm en d%this%stu de nt's%ad m issio n%to %the%music%composition%option.*%
inot%the%C o mposition%o p tio n .%
% % % % % % % % % % % % %
% % % % % % Studio%Teacher’s%signature%
% % % % % % % % % % % % %
% % % % % % Composition%Adviser’s%Signature%