Complex Aircraft Addendum for Aircraft Checkout!
What are the following power settings at sea level on a standard day?
Takeoff MP ________________ RPM_______________
Climb MP ________________ RPM_______________
What could cause a propeller underspeed condition ___________________________________________
Describe how the governor corrects an underspeed condition ___________________________________
What could cause a propeller overspeed condition ____________________________________________
Describe how the governor corrects an overspeed condition ____________________________________
If we lose oil pressure, will the propeller increase or decrease pitch and what will this do to RPM?
During a descent, the engine should be slowly cooled by reducing MP _____” per _________ minute(s)
with cowl flaps (open or closed) __________________________
When do we operate with cowl flaps open? _______________________________________________
When do we operate with cowl flaps closed? ______________________________________________
Describe how the landing gear system operates ______________________________________________
When will the gear warning horn activate? __________________________________________________
Will the landing gear extend during an electrical failure? _______________________________________
How do we accomplish a manual gear extension? _____________________________________________
Does AeroDynamic allow touch-and-go operations in our complex aircraft? ________________________
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