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438 University Avenue, Suite 1900
Toronto ON M5G 2K8
Tel: 416 961- 8558 ext. 224
Toll-free: 1 888 961-8558
Complaint Intake Form
As part of its mandate, the College of Early Childhood Educators receives and investigates complaints against members
of the College. The complaint must relate to professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity of a member in order
for the Complaints Committee to consider it. You may wish to refer to the definition of professional misconduct found in
the Professional Misconduct Regulation (Ontario Regulation 233/08) on the College’s website. The Complaints
Committee will refuse to consider and investigate a complaint, if in its opinion, the complaint is frivolous, vexatious or an
abuse of process.
Statement on Confidentiality
The College conducts its investigations discreetly and does not comment to the public on complaints that it receives. A copy
of the complaint and relevant documents are provided to the member so that she or he has an opportunity to respond to
the complaint. In addition, it may be necessary to disclose some information during the investigation when speaking to the
member’s supervisors and witnesses to the event. If the complaint is referred to the Discipline Committee for a public
hearing, information on the matter is made available to the public.
I wish to file a formal complaint with the College of Early Childhood Educators.
Your Name
Home address
Work address (optional)
Home Telephone
What is the nature of your relationship with the member (parent of child under member’s care, supervisor,
colleague, etc.)?
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Member Information
(If your complaint is against more than one individual, please fill out separate forms for each.)
Name (please include College
registration # if known)
Home address (if known)
Work address
(if different from Workplace)
Home Telephone
Workplace Information
Workplace Telephone
Name of Supervisor
Name of Owner/ Parent
Incident(s) Information
Where did the incident(s) occur (infant room, staff room, playground, etc.)?
When did the incident(s) occur (time and date)?
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Please describe as clearly and concisely as possible the incident(s) and the conduct that, in your opinion,
constitutes professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity. Attach and label additional sheets if necessary.
Were others involved in the incident (include first and last names)? If the incident involves a child, please give the
child’s age, date of birth, and relationship to you.
Please describe what steps if any, were taken at the local level to resolve this matter. What was the outcome of this
incident within the Workplace (suspension, termination, internal investigation, etc.)?
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Additional Contacts (if applicable)
Name of Program Advisor with
the Ministry of Education
Work address (if known)
Work Telephone
Involvement/Action Taken
Name of Children’s Aid Society
Work address (if known)
Work Telephone
Involvement/Action Taken
Name and badge # of police
Work address (if known)
Work Telephone
Involvement/Action Taken
Other (please specify)
Work address (if known)
Work Telephone
Involvement/Action Taken
If the police have been contacted regarding this incident, please answer the following:
To your knowledge have criminal charges been laid against the Member? Yes No
If yes, please provide the following information:
Offences charged
Date charges laid
Police Service (OPP, municipal
force, etc.)
Contact Name
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Supporting Documentation
In order for the College to successfully complete its investigation, it is important that you submit any supporting
documentation along with your notification or report. This may include:
relevant policies
serious occurrence reports
employment termination letters
verbal/written warnings
pictures, video footage
witness statements
any other information you feel may be relevant to the investigation or useful for the Complaints Committee d uring its
If the College requires any information that is not included with this complaint you will be contacted. However, delays
in arriving at a complaint resolution will be avoided if you provide this information at the time when you send in the
complaint intake form.
If you provide any supporting documentation, please ensure it is properly labelled and explain its relevance to your
Complaint Resolution
Please indicate how this matter could be resolved to your satisfaction.
By typing/printing my name below, I understand that I am submitting a complaint to the College regarding the
Member named on this form. I further understand that a copy of this complaint will be provided to the Member, which
will include the disclosure of my name to the Member. I also confirm that I have completed all relevant fields in this
Complaint Intake Form and have included all relevant information and supporting documents for submission to the
Your Name: Date:
Please complete this form and submit it in one of the following ways:
By e-mail:
By mail:
Office of the Registrar
c/o Professional Regulation Department
College of Early Childhood Educators By fax:
438 University Avenue, Suite 1900 416 961-6995
Toronto, ON M5G 2K8
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