ARENA is committed to providing a quality service and we see value in the effective handling of complaints
Questions marked with an asterisk are mandatory.
Please classify the type of complaint you have*
General complaint about ARENA
Administrative process relating to Grants
Do you wish to remain anonymous?* Yes
If No:
Given name*
Contact number*
If Yes, please note:
ARENAs capacity to deal with your submission is restricted by the desire to remain anonymous. The
submission will be treated as feedback and used as appropriate to correct problems or refine processes.
Have you raised this complaint with ARENA in the past?*
Note: If you have been dealing with an ARENA staff member, we would encourage you to use this professional
relationship as the best and most direct course to resolve your issue. If you are not happy to do so, we will
accept your feedback through this form submission.
I have not discussed my concerns with an ARENA Officer or Consultant previously
I already raised my concerns with an ARENA officer or consultant and am not satisfied with the response
Issue(s) raised* – The main issue I previously raised…
Issue occurrence date…
Events – The event/s that led to my complaint were...
Complaint ID No.
(ARENA use only)
ARENA negligence – I believe that ARENA did/did not...
Desired outcome – In raising this complaint I wish to...
Complaint date…
Complaint respondent – My complaint was handled by...
Complaint response – The response to my complaint was...
Complaint resubmission reason – I was not satisfied with the response and therefore request that a senior
officer investigate and report to me for these reasons…
I have not discussed my concerns with an ARENA Officer or Consultant previously
Issue(s)* – The main issue I wish to raise…
Issue occurrence date…
Events – The events that led to my complaint were…
ARENA negligence – I believe that ARENA did/did not...
Desired outcome – In raising this complaint I hope to...
Do you have any supporting documents that you wish to attach? If so, please include them with
your complaint.
The officer considering your complaint is required to apply the principles of natural justice while they
carry out their investigation. Natural justice involves informing the people being complained about of the
allegations against them and then giving them the right to respond. Natural justice also requires that the
investigating officer will approach your case without bias, will not have a personal interest in the outcome
and will only take action based on evidence.
What this means is that we would normally send a copy of the complaint to the person being complained
about and ask for their side of the story. If there is any reason why you do not want us to do this please tell us.
If we are unable to send a copy to the person being complained about the matter may not go any further.
Can we send a copy of your complaint form and attachments to the staff member(s) you are complaining about?
I hereby declare that the above information is true and correct.
Please return this form to:
Email: Mail: The Complaints Handling Officer
Australian Renewable Energy Agency
GPO Box 643
click to sign
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