City of Oakland
Public Ethics Commission
Complaint Form
The Public Ethics Commission can investigate complaints of violations of laws related to campaign finance,
lobbyist registration, public records, open meetings, and governmental ethics laws. The Commission has
limited authority to enforce public records, open meetings, and governmental ethics laws but may be able to
issue findings and recommendations, or to take limited action, such as mediation, on these issues.
If you would like to submit a complaint that is within the Commission’s jurisdiction, please complete this form,
which becomes a public record available for inspection and copying by the public, along with any documents
submitted with this form. A copy of this complaint will be made available to the persons identified in the
allegations below. For more information about the Commission’s complaint process, see the Commission’s
Complaint Procedures.
A Formal Complaint requires that you complete all of the information on this form, including your name,
address, phone number, and signature verifying under penalty of perjury the information you provide in this
complaint. The Commission must review and take action on the complaint and notify the complainant about
the Commission’s final action.
An Informal Complaint is a complaint that does not meet all the requirements of a Formal Complaint. Informal
Complaints, such as anonymous complaints and complaints without all of the information required above do
not require action or notification to the complainant upon final action. Commission staff reviews informal
complaints and can determine whether the complaint should move forward to investigation. Informal tips can
be submitted to Commission staff by phone, email, or fax.
Contact Information of Person Making Complaint (This information will be available to the public.)
Name: Street Address:
Zip Code:
Email: Phone:
Type of Alleged Violation. Please select from below which law you allege has been violated:
The Oakland Sunshine Ordinance, California Public Records Act, or
Ralph M. Brown
(open meetings) Act
Oakland Campaign Reform Act
Oakland Limited Public Financing Act
Oakland Lobbyist Registration Act
Oakland False Endorsement in Campaign Literature Act
Oakland Government Ethics Act
Not sure which specific law, ordinance or regulations apply
For PEC Staff Use Only
Staff Initials:
Complaint #:
Description of Violation. Please complete the lines below or attach a handwritten or typed
attachment that provides the following details: If you run out of space, please attach handwritten
or typed pages that provide the following details:
Name of the person or persons you are alleging committed a violation. Please include any
known address, phone number, email address, title, employment address, etc.:
The facts of the alleged violation. Please include the date and location of the alleged
violation, if known:
The names, addresses, and phone numbers of any witnesses who were involved and/or can
provide additional information, if known:
Additional information or documentation that might aid in the investigation of the alleged
violation. Please include copies of such documentation and list them here.
Verification. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that my
attached statements are true and correct.
Executed on at
(Date) (City, State)
Complaint Submission. Please complete and submit this form and any attachments by email, mail
or fax:
Mail: Public Ethics Commission
1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Rm. 104 Oakland, CA 94612
Phone:(510) 238-3593
Fax: (510) 238-3315