Revised 04/2018: CN 10493 page 1 of 2
New Jersey Judiciary
Formal Discrimination / Sexual Harassment / Retaliation
Complaint Form
Please type or clearly print all information.
Last Name (include: Sr. / Jr. / III, etc.)
Vicinage / Division / AOC
Complainant Status (check applicable box)
Judicial Employee Volunteer Other
If you check “other” specify whether:
Other (Litigant, Witness, etc.)
Name and Title of Person(s) You Believe Discriminated Against You
Vicinage / Division / AOC
Vicinage / Division / AOC
Vicinage / Division / AOC
Basis of Complaint (check applicable box or boxes)
Race Color National Origin / Nationality Ancestry Affectional or Sexual Orientation
Sex / Gender Pregnancy or
Gender Identity
or Expression
Disability /
Perceived Disability
Atypical Heredity Cellular
or Blood Trait
Use of Genetic Information, Including Refusal to
Submit to or Provide Results of Genetic Test
Religion / Creed Veteran Status or Liability
for Military Service
Marital Status
Civil Union Status Domestic Partnership Status Age Sexual Harassment Retaliation
Description of Complaint: List each incident separately and describe in detail the incident(s) and time and place
of occurrence.
NOTE: A copy of this form will be provided to the person(s) against whom you are filing a complaint. Therefore
you should not identify witnesses or background evidence on this form. You will be asked to submit that material
separately to the investigator who will investigate your complaint.
Was Incident Reported to Anyone?
If Yes, Who?