Rev. 9/13/2019
Competitive Quote Form
University Procurement and Business Services policy requires competitive bidding for purchases with a value
of $6,800.00 or above. This requirement is satisfied by one of the following: 1) obtaining three competitive
quotes, 2) conducting a public advertised bid, 3) using a University, State, GSA or cooperative contract, 4)
obtaining a quote waiver from University Procurement and Business Services for purchases below
$34,400.00; or 5) obtaining a Board of Trustees bid waiver for purchases of $34,400.00 or above.
Complete this form to record competitive quotes for purchases below $34,400.00.
1. University Procurement and Business Services policy requires three (3) written quotes for purchases from $6,800.00 to
2. Complete all required fields and attach written quotes.
3. If vendor submitting the lowest quote was not chosen, please provide a justification for the decision in the space below.
4. E-mail this completed form and any corresponding information to University Procurement and Business Services at
5. Please Note: All vendors must comply with: A) Business Registration Certificate (BRC) requirement and if the purchase is
$17,500.00 or more; B) Equal Employment Opportunity verification; and C) PL 2005 Chapter 51 “political contributions” disclosure.
Req. No:
Awarded Vendor: Amount:
Description of items or services to be purchased:
Vendor Name and Quote Number
Vendor Name and Quote Number
Vendor Name and Quote Number
Total Amount Total Amount Total Amount
Justification for vendor selection if lowest bidder was not selected:
I certify that competition has been solicited and quotations obtained prior to placing orders and requisition in accordance with current
University Procurement and Business Services policy.
Requestor Name and Date: