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Name: __________________________________________ Date: _____________ Score: _____________
Competency Checklist
Procedure 39–9 Measure and Record Pulse Oximetry Testing
ABHES Curriculum
MA.A.1.4.a Follow documentation guidelines
MA.A.1.9.a Practice standard precautions and perform disinfection/sterilization techniques
MA.A.1.9.d Assist provider with specialty examination
MA.A.1.9.e Perform specialty procedures
CAAHEP Core Curriculum
I.P.1.i Measure and record pulse oximetry
I.P.8 Instruct and prepare a patient for a procedure or a treatment
I.A.1 Incorporate critical thinking skills when performing patient assessment
I.A.2 Incorporate critical thinking skills when performing patient care
I.A.3 Show awareness of a patient’s concerns related to the procedure being performed
V.A.4 Explain to a patient the rationale for performance of a procedure
X.P.3 Document patient care accurately in the medical record
Task: To measure and record a patient’s oxygen level in the blood.
Supplies and Conditions: Pulse oximeter, alcohol wipes, nail polish remover if needed, patient chart/EHR, and a pen.
Standards A maximum of three attempts may be used to complete the task. The time limit for each attempt
is 5 minutes, with a minimum score of 70 percent. Scoring: Determine student’s score by
dividing points awarded by total points possible and multiplying results by 100.
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