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Name: __________________________________________ Date: _____________ Score: _____________
Competency Checklist
Procedure 39-1 Irrigate the Ear
ABHES Curriculum
MA.A.1.4.a Follow documentation guidelines
MA.A.1.9.a Practice standard precautions and perform disinfection/sterilization techniques
MA.A.1.9.e Perform specialty procedures
CAAHEP Core Curriculum
I.P.8 Instruct and prepare a patient for a procedure or a treatment
I.A.1 Incorporate critical thinking skills when performing patient assessment
I.A.2 Incorporate critical thinking skills when performing patient care
I.A.3 Show awareness of a patient’s concerns related to the procedure being performed
V.A.4 Explain to a patient the rationale for performance of a procedure
X.P.3 Document patient care accurately in the medical record
Task: To irrigate the ear canal to remove foreign objects, impacted cerumen, or drainage.
Supplies and Conditions: Gloves, small basin, ordered lukewarm irrigation solution, water absorbent pad or towel, ear
basin, elephant ear system, gauze squares, otoscope, ear speculum, tissues, patient chart/ EHR,
and a pen.
Standards: A maximum of three attempts may be used to complete the task. The time limit for each attempt
is 20 minutes, with a minimum score of 70 percent. Scoring: Determine student’s score by
dividing points awarded by total points possible and multiplying results by 100.
Evaluator Signature: Date:
Evaluator Comments:
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© 2017 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Name: __________________________________________ Date: _____________ Score: _____________
Procedure 39-1 Steps
Start Time: End Time: Total Time:
1. Wash hands. Prepare the solution as ordered and
assemble the necessary items for the procedure.
Incorporate critical thinking skills when performing
patient assessment and care.
2. Identify the patient, introduce yourself, and explain
the rationale for performance of the procedure.
Show awareness of the patient’s concerns related to
the procedure being performed.
3. Assist the patient onto the examination table or to a
4. Put on gloves. 15
5. View the affected ear with an otoscope to see where
cerumen or the foreign object is located so that the
flow of solution can be directed properly.
6. Ask the patient to turn his or her head to the affected
side and toward the back. Place a water absorbent pad
or towel over the patient’s shoulder to protect his or
her clothing.
7. Use a gauze square to wipe away any particles from
the outer ear before proceeding.
8. Fill the water bottle on the elephant ear system with
body temperature water or other solution ordered by
the provider. Twist on the disposable tip.
9. Position the ear basin under the ear for the patient to
hold to catch the solution.
10. Use two hands to direct the flow of the solution. With
one hand, place the tip end into the ear canal; with the
other use the trigger handle to spray solution into the
ear canal.
11. Use gauze squares to wipe the excess solution from
the outside of the patient’s ear.
12. Inspect the ear canal with an otoscope to determine
whether the desired results have been obtained. Repeat
irrigation if necessary.
13. Give the patient several gauze squares or tissues and
have the patient tilt his or her head to the side to allow
drainage of excess solution from the canal.
14. Discard the disposable tip into the waste receptacle
and wash equipment. Return it to the proper storage
15. Remove gloves and wash hands. 15
16. Provide patient education and document the procedure
in the patient’s chart.
Points Awarded / Points Possible ______/