revised 1-6-10
Community Service/Volunteer Verification Form
1. Please print neatly.
2. Use one form per agency. If your community service or volunteer work is done through a school service club, please use one form and have your club
advisor sign it. You may copy this form.
3. Please fill in the entire form. When recording dates, please include month, day and year.
4. Once you have completed your community service or volunteer work, turn in the form to your Program Coordinator.
5. Record all of your hours on these forms, have a supervisor at your service site sign the forms.
6. Please don’t re-submit hours that have already been submitted.
7. The total number of service hours will be added to College Prep Plan.
The following volunteer projects are eligible for recognition:
• Volunteering at a non-profit organization
• A service-learning project in one of your classes
• A volunteer project required for a class (i.e. Life Skills volunteer hours)
• Community organizing including voter registration and political campaigns.
• Service learning projects outside of class including the training and preparation time. (Training time must be directly related and cannot be greater
than 50% of the number of direct service hours.)
• Time served with a faith-based institution that does NOT include teaching or promoting one faith. (Examples: serving food, fundraisers, banquets,
volunteering at the facility.)
The following volunteer projects are NOT recognized:
• Hours spent teaching religion in a church, synagogue, mosque, or faith-based institution will NOT be recognized because Upward Bound is a
public, non-sectarian institution. Therefore, hours spent at religious pre-schools and day camps, as well as, hours served during religious
ceremonies (including choirs, bands, etc.) may NOT be claimed.
• Time served benefiting a for-profit corporation may NOT be claimed.