swinomish-nsn.govSwinomish Community Impact Funds Page 1 of 4
1. Community Impact Funds Applicaon. Found on pages 3 and 4, this should be the rst
document in your applicaon packet. It must be lled out completely and include a signature.
2. Proposal Summary. Summarize in a short paragraph the purpose of your organizaon. Briey
describe why you are requesng a community impact grant, what outcomes you hope to
achieve, and how funds would be spent if a grant is received.
3. Narrave. The narrave must include:
• Background informaon describing the work of your organizaon. Illustrate the needs
or problems your organizaon works to address and the populaon it serves, including
geographic locaon, socio-economic status, race, ethnicity, gender, and age group.
List current programs and accomplishments, as well as the number of paid full-me,
part-me, and volunteer sta. Describe your organizaon’s relaonships with other
organizaons, both formal and informal, working to meet the same needs or provide
similar services and explain how you dier from these other organizaons.
• Your funding request. If applying for general operang support, briey describe how
this grant would be used. If your request is for a specic project, explain its primary
purpose and the need or problem you are seeking to address. Include names and tles
of the individuals who will direct the project. Include the ancipated length of the
project and how it contributes to your organizaon’s overall mission.
• An evaluaon of how you will measure the eecveness of your acvies. Describe
your criteria for a successful program and the results you expect to achieve by the end
of the funding period.
4. Operang Expenses. A report specic to the project.
5. Current Funding Sources. List other sources and amounts already secured for your project.
All elds are required to be considered for review
Community Impact Funds
Applying for Charitable Support
Thank you for applying with the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community on behalf of your 501(c)(3) status
organizaon. The Tribe is commied to helping grow and improve our local community in the areas of arts
and culture; educaon and youth services; the environment; health care; public safety; and social services.
IMPORTANT: Community impact funds are limited to organizaons operang within the state of Washington only.
Fund distribuons are made once a year. Applicaons and supplemental aachments are due April 14 by 6PM.