Attachment A
BHLCG Operating Rules
I. General Garden Operation
1. Primary Gardeners must be at least 21 years
2. Additional Gardeners of the same household
must be at least 13 years old to work in the
Garden unsupervised. All gardeners over the
age of 17 who will have access to the garden
must sign the Application Agreement.
3. Garden operating hours are from dawn to dusk,
7 days a week. The BHLCG must remain
locked when Gardeners are not present. It is
the responsibility of each Gardener to ensure
the gate is locked upon exiting the BHLCG.
Gardeners will receive the lock combination
once they have paid in full their annual
membership fee.
4. The BHLCG’s gate lock combination must be
kept confidential and only shared with those
whose names are listed on the Application
Agreement. A violation of this provision is
grounds for immediate termination of the
Gardener’s BHLCG’s membership, in the
Committee’s sole discretion.
5. Any water spigots a Gardener (or their agent)
turns on while at the BHLCG must be turned
off before such Gardener or their agent leaves
the BHLCG.
6. If a Gardener, or their guest or agent, uses a
hose, then such Gardener shall be responsible
for ensuring that such hose is returned to the
spigot post where it belongs, and coiled.
7. Shared tools and equipment may not be
removed from the BHLCG, and must be
properly cleaned and stored in the shed after
use. Items a Gardener brings from home are
that Gardener’s responsibility and should not
be left in common areas of the BHLCG,
including the shed.
8. Parking: Gardeners may park on the road next
to the property or in the driveway next to the
museum except when the museum is open,
which is usually on the third Sunday of the
month from 2 to 4 pm, from April to October.
II. Time Commitments
9. All Gardeners who are awarded a Plot during a
given year are required to attend an
informational meeting, the date of which the
Committee shall select and determine in its
sole discretion. If a Gardener cannot attend
such meeting, they must promptly notify the
Committee, in advance of this meeting.
10. Gardeners for the 2018-19 year must commit
to donate 4 hours of their time assisting with
constructing the BHLCG.
11. Gardeners must commit a minimum of 4 hours
of volunteer time on common area
maintenance for the BHLCG during their Plot
term, on dates and at times to be determined by
the Committee. Common-area maintenance
includes, but is not limited to: weeding,
maintaining compost, mowing lawn, and
spreading wood chips.
III. Gardening Techniques
12. All Gardeners participating in the BHLCG
must follow organic gardening techniques.
Non-organic fertilizers (such as Miracle Grow)
and pesticides may not be used unless under
extraordinary circumstances and only with
receipt of Committee approval. The
Committee will provide a list of acceptable,
pesticides, fertilizers, and mulch in the binder
to be stored on-site (On-Site Binder) the
BHLCG. Any items not listed will require
separate Committee approval.
13. A Gardener must plant/use their Plot on or
before May 30, 2019. Failure to comply with
this provision shall result in such Gardener’s
forfeiture of such Plot during the applicable
year, at the Committee’s discretion.
14. Gardeners are responsible for keeping their
respective Plots neat by harvesting ripe crops,
staking and tying up plants that are growing
beyond their bed, and removing weeds and/or
fallen crops in and around their bed.
15. Wood chips may not be used as mulch in the
Plots. Mulching with hay or straw is
16. Should a Gardener be unable to tend to their
plot due to illness or vacation, they must
contact the Committee in order to make
appropriate arrangements regarding their Plot.
17. Invasive or illegal plants are not allowed. A
list of prohibited plants will be included in the
On-Site Binder. The growth or use of illegal
substances is strictly prohibited and will result
in the Gardener’s immediate expulsion from
the BHLCG and revocation of their Plot.
18. Temporary plant supports that are no higher
than 5 feet are permitted, e.g. tomato cages and