Forest Cutting Plan Information Request Form
Please complete this form to request site-specific information from the Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program
(Please submit only one project per request form).
Please include a check for $50.00 made out to Comm. of MA – NHESP.*
Requestor Information
City: State: Zip Code:
Daytime Phone: Ext. Email address:
Project Information
Project or Site Name:
Location: Town:
Name of Landowner or Project Proponent:
Acreage of the Property:
Is this information intended for a Forest Cutting Plan? □ Yes □ No
Description of Proposed Project and Current Site Conditions: (If necessary attach additional sheet(s))
□ Please include the required copy of a USGS topographic map in the scale 1:24,000 or 1:25,000 (not copy
reduced) with the site location clearly marked and centered on the copy page (Copies of Natural Heritage Atlas
pages are not accepted)
If requesting a MESA Determination with the species list please include the below information:
□ Have you included a Stand Map which shows all proposed landings, major skid roads, stream/wetland crossings,
harvest area, etc?
□ Is a project narrative enclosed? A detailed narrative should describe the stand types, harvest method,
equipment, desired future condition, BMPs and estimated board feet/cords to be removed.
□ Does a DCR Forest Stewardship or Ch. 61 Plan exist? If so, please include a copy of this document.
Please mail this completed form and above materials to:
Regulatory Review
Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program
MA Division of Fisheries and Wildlife
1 Rabbit Hill Road
Westborough, MA 01581
Questions regarding this form should be directed according to the county that the property is located:
Berkshire, Essex, Franklin, Hampshire, Hampden, Middlesex & Worcester Counties call: 508-389-6357
Barnstable, Bristol, Dukes, Nantucket, Norfolk, Plymouth & Suffolk Counties call: 508-389-6385
Persons requesting information will receive a written response within 30 days of receipt of all information required.
November 2016