City of Dawsonville
Planning and Zoning, 415 Highway 53 East, Suite 100 | Dawsonville, GA 30534 | (706) 265‑3256 - 10/9/2019
Please address all items marked with an "X" below, as well as any additional comments on this checklist or on the redlined
plans. Please return this checklist and the redlined plans when resubmitting in order to speed up the revised plan review
1.______ Provide name of Developer and/or Owner with their address and telephone number.
2.______ Label Total Acreage, Disturbed Acreage.
3.______ Add note: "Irrigation systems are prohibited on all existing and proposed City right-of way and considered to be a
violation of the City’s Ordinance prohibiting unpermitted right-of-way encroachments."
4.______ Add note: "No structures, fences or other obstructions may be located within a drainage, water, sewer or access
easement without prior approval by the City of Dawsonville."
5.______ Provide a note stating the disposition of the property with regard to the flood plain. State the source (FIRM Panel
Number with date of map or flood study) and show flood elevations and boundaries if applicable.
6.______ Existing and proposed width of right-of-way on any existing streets. Additional right-of- way must be deeded prior to
plan approval.
7.______ Add Note on all sheets: "Notify City of Dawsonville Inspector 24 hours before the beginning phase of construction.
(706) 265-3256.
8.______ Add Notes on utilities plan: “Notify Utilities Department before flushing water and sewer lines. 706-265-3256”
9.______ Vicinity map.
10.______ North Arrow
11.______ Seal and signature of registered professional engineer or registered land surveyor on all sheets.
12.______ Topographic map with all elevations referenced to mean sea level and a contour interval equal to 2 feet and all
finish contours.
13.______ Graphic scale.
14.______ Benchmark used. Show location and elevation on plans.
15.______ Origin of survey.
16.______ All boundaries with bearing and distances shown.
City of Dawsonville
Planning and Zoning, 415 Highway 53 East, Suite 100 | Dawsonville, GA 30534 | (706) 265‑3256 - 10/9/2019
17.______ Provide encroachment agreement for offsite work.
18.______ Label all structures as either existing or proposed and provide finish floor elevation(s),
19.______ Label setbacks,
20.______ Label Zoning type
21.______ Attach Zoning Conditions.
22.______ Add Note: All undisturbed buffers shall be identified with orange, four-foot tree-save fencing prior to any land
23.______ Provide on plans a copy of the text from NPDES Permit GAR10001, GAR100002 or GAR100003 (as applicable), Part
IV. EROSION, SEDIMENTATION AND POLLUTION CONTROL PLAN, Primary Permittee, paragraphs (1) thru (6). Also provide a copy
of the NOI.
24.______ Proposed entrance on state routes location and details must be approved by the Georgia Department of
Transportation, Gainesville District prior to the issuance of a land disturbance permit.
25.______ Provide sight distance profile and sight distance certification on plan or in letter form that is specific to the project
and indicates compliance with AASHTO “Policy on Geometric Design of Highway and Streets,” Chapter 9 (at- grade intersections),
latest edition. Note the posted speed limit and the actual sight distance in both directions.
26.______ Plan view of existing road fronting property with centerline and pavement width.
27.______ Provide detail of proposed entrance with existing and proposed grades, utilities, storm drainage and pavement
28.______ Entrance width to be a minimum of 12’ one-way and 24’ two-way from the back of curb to back of curb.
29.______ Entrance radius to be a minimum of 30’ to back of curb.
30.______ Provide decel lane typical section detail.
31.______ Provide entrance and accel/decel lane striping plan.
32.______ Provide curbed deceleration lane from the end of radius with a taper.
33.______ Provide minimum left turn lane at proposed entrance and provide required typical section detail.
34.______ Show location of proposed entrance monument. Entrance monuments must be set back 10 feet (minimum) from
right of way.
City of Dawsonville
Planning and Zoning, 415 Highway 53 East, Suite 100 | Dawsonville, GA 30534 | (706) 265‑3256 - 10/9/2019
35.______ Submit Stormwater Management Report. Exception is < 5,000 sqft of impervious cover and < 1 acre.
36.______ Stormwater Management Report must be approved prior to scheduling a plan sign-off.
37.______ Acreage of all off-site drainage areas contributing to flow thru the project. Show on plans or note if no off-site
38.______ Plan and profile of all pipes including grade, type of pipe, 25-year HGL, elevations, proposed cover, manholes and
39.______ Minimum of 12" of compacted fill material required over all pipes. Prefer 2ft – top of pipe to top of finish pavement
- required over pipes under roadway.
40.______ Storm sewer slopes must be greater than or equal to 1%.
41.______ All storm drain pipes will be a minimum of 18" in diameter
42.______ All storm drain pipe must be concrete under pavement within right of way.
43.______ All CMP must be fully bituminous coated with paved invert filling corrugation for at least 25% of circumference.
44.______ All storm drain pipes with > fifteen (15) feet cover shall be concrete. > 15’ to < 20’ cover shall be Class IV. > 20’ cover
shall be Class V.
45.______ 100-Year upstream headwater elevation at pipes inlets to be shown by labeling elevation and outlining contour at
that elevation. This contour will be the drainage easement if it extends outside of the 20’ drainage easement.
46.______ Show details for all proposed storm drainage structures per GDOT or Manufacture of HDPE.
47.______ Pipe to discharge into natural draw or graded ditch with rip-rap ditch checks. Size rip rap aprons and provide
dimensions on plans, including apron depth.
48.______ Provide channel protection and/or permanent energy dissipation (in addition to rip-rap) at all outlets having a
discharge velocity greater than 5 fps or Froude Number greater than 2.5.
49.______ Provide complete pipe chart including pipe size, pipe gauge or class, time of concentration, runoff coefficient,
rainfall intensity, drainage area, and outlet velocity. Design for 25- year storm. The 50-year storm shall be used on live streams,
cross drains serving 20 acres or larger, and any pipe receiving off-site drainage.
50.______ Minimum 20’ storm drainage easement on all storm drain pipes, drainage swales and water courses receiving off-
site drainage.
51.______ Minimum 20' drainage/access easement from public right-of-way required for all stormwater facilities.
52.______ Retaining wall design must be submitted to the City of Dawsonville for approval prior to construction plan approval.
Wall design must include details and specifications that are site specific and must be signed and sealed by a registered
professional engineer in the State of Georgia. All walls greater than thirty (30) inches in height shall include a fence or handrail
City of Dawsonville
Planning and Zoning, 415 Highway 53 East, Suite 100 | Dawsonville, GA 30534 | (706) 265‑3256 - 10/9/2019
along the top. □ Provide spot top and bottom wall elevations on grading plan.
53.______ 100yr headwater elevation at drop inlets by labeling elevation and outing contour at elevation. The contour will be
drainage easement
54.______ Show 5ft fence with 12ft gate around detention pond.