Village of Niles
Commercial Filming Policies
and Procedures
Village of Niles
1000 Civic Center Drive
Niles, Illinois 60714
Phone: 847-588-8010
It is the policy of the Village of Niles to allow interior or exterior locations on public or private property to be used in the filming or
taping of movies, TV programs, commercials or training films, and related activities. The Village Manager may authorize the use of
any Village owned property, right-of-way, equipment and/or building for commercial uses listed hereinabove only if the personal and
property rights of affected residents and businesses can be adequately protected, unreasonable and unnecessary disruptions to the
community can be avoided, rights of the public to a safe and normal use of the public streets, rights-of-way, and property can be
protected. Requests for the use of public or private property as a location for film production will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis
by the Village Manger who may require that he following conditions be met prior to use:
Producers of a film or tape production which take place within the Village of Niles shall be required to submit a COMMERCIAL FILM
APPLICATION to the Village Manger's Office no fewer than thirty (30) days prior to the requested start date. No application is
considered "submitted" unless a $100 non-refundable application fee and the following information accompany it:
A. Type of production (motion picture, television production, training film, etc.);
B. Current name, address and phone number of the production company;
C. Contact(s) information (project producer, director, location manager);
D. Complete production schedule including dates and times;
E. Proposed location(s) including street names, direction, addresses;
F. Description of film (describe what actions will occur during filming; the set and all props to be used; the purpose of
filming; what the film will be used for; etc.)
G. Anticipated need of Village personnel, property, security, and/or right-of-way;
H. Certificate of insurance evidencing $1,000,000 of general liability with the Village of Niles as an additional insured and
proof of workers compensation insurance;
I. Hold Harmless Agreement;
J. Copies of letters, statements, or permits authorizing the use of private property;
K. Other information as deemed necessary by the Village of Niles.
The applicant shall agree to pay all costs incurred in the use of Village property, any assignment of Village employees, including
police, fire, public works, and/or other Village personnel resulting from the film production at the current established rates which are
as follows:
Village Property
The cost to use any building for any use shall be $1,000.00 per day. Buildings occupied by the Niles Police or Fire
Departments cannot be used for film production without permission from the Department Chief. The Police Department
requires that all filming personnel be accompanied by a CSO or Village representative while using any Village facilities. For
the partial closure or obstruction of any public street or right-of-way the cost shall be $250.00 per day.
Village Personnel
The cost of Village labor shall equal one and half times the hourly rate of pay for each Village employee assigned at a two (2)
hour minimum, including any overtime plus an administrative charge equal to 10% of total labor costs.
Unless permission has been obtained by the Village in advance and affected property owners are notified, filming will be limited to
the following hours: Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday, Sunday and holidays 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The applicant must provide a certificate of insurance prior to the issuance of the film permit. The certificate of insurance must contain
combined single limit coverage for bodily injury and property damage of not less than $1,000,000. The certificate shall name the
Village of Niles as additional insured. The Village may require additional coverage if it is determined that he risks inherent in the
proposed activity would not be adequately covered by basic coverage.