Participation Application for
Graduate Students
1. Student Information:
Name Date
Longwood ID (L#) Program
2. Remaining Course(s) Registered For:
Graduate students must have registered for courses which, if successfully completed, will allow them to graduate by the
end of the subsequent summer term, may participate in the May commencement ceremony of that calendar year.
CRN Subject Number Credits Term
I understand that I must be registered for all courses listed on this form in order to receive approval.
I will successfully complete all of the courses I am taking within the current semester.
I am a student teacher who has completed and passed all tests required by both Longwood and the State of
Virginia prior to my registration for student teaching.
3. Transfer Credits: (If completing final requirements at another institution)
College or University
Subject Number Credits
I have attached both a proof of my registration from the school of transfer, and the Transfer
Credit Authorization required by Longwood University and College of Graduate and Professional Studies.
4. Approvals: (Return form to the Registrar’s Office in Brock Hall)
Student Signature (electronic signatures are not accepted) Date
_____________________________________________ ___________________
Registrar’s Office Signature Date
__ __________________________________________ ___________________
NOTE: To have your name published in the Commencement program, this form and all required documentation
must be submitted and approved by 5pm, April 10