Cerritos Community College District
All full-time faculty employees who meet requirements for advancement to another Column on
the salary schedule effective the s ubsequent Academic Year* must complete and submit this
form. There is no need to complete this form for step or longevity increment advancements.
I have completed, or plan to complete, sufficient coursework to qualify for advancement on the
salary schedule to Column _______, effective the ____________ Academic Year.* I will submit
required documentation to support this request.
*It is required that official transcripts verifying appropriate coursework be submitted to the
Human Resources office by the following dates:
Faculty employed on a 10-school month contract basis: This form and verification
must be received not later than September 1 of the contract year in which the
advancement is to be effective.
Faculty employed on a greater than 10-school month contract basis, 11- or 12-school
month contract: This form and verification must be received not later than July 1 in
order for the advancement to be effective July 1 of that contract year; OR not later
than September 1 in order for the advancement to be effective September 1 of that
contract year.
Units for advancement across the basic salary schedule must be semester units of
credit. Quarter units must be multiplied by 0.667 to determine their semester unit
Reference: CCFF Bargaining Agreement, Appendix A
Original: Personnel File
HR – Request for Column Advancement (Revised 9/2013)