Adjunct faculty currently teaching for WNCC will be exempt from this application process unless it
becomes necessary due to accreditation requirements to re-approve current adjunct faculty.
However, for additional course approvals, the adjunct will need to update his/her le by submitting a letter
indicating interest in the new course, and, if available, additional documentation.
Selection Process:
All adjunct faculty applicant materials will rst be evaluated by the applicable Division Chair and the
Dean of Instruction in order to determine what WNCC courses the candidate is qualied to teach in
accordance with institutional guidelines as indicated on page one. After this approval process has been
completed, the following steps will be taken:
1. A letter is sent to the candidate from the Associate Dean of Instructional Support Services
identifying the WNCC courses the candidate has been approved to teach.
2. If and when there is a need for adjunct faculty in the applicable division(s) or in the public school
districts, and all required documentation has been received, the Dean of Instruction or the Dean's
representative will contact the candidate. At this point, and at the discretion of
the Division Chair, a simulated teaching presentation may be requested.
3. Approval for employment is based upon authorization by the Division Chair with nal
approval coming from the Dean of Instruction.
4. In order to maintain current records for all adjunct faculty candidates, occasional requests
for updated information and documentation will be sent to candidates to check for continued
Current adjunct faculty members are exempt from the selection process. However, when additional course
approval is requested, the “Selection Process” will be initiated.
Guidelines for General Education and Established Program Course Paperwork/Procedures:
At least one week prior to the rst class, the adjunct faculty member must submit a syllabus and class
schedule to Education Services, WNCC, 1601 East 27
Street, Scottsbluff, NE 69361. The appropriate
Division Chair needs to approve the course outline/schedule before the class begins.
Expectations for All Adjunct Faculty:
• Guidelines established in the master syllabus for each course must be followed;
• Each student must be given an individual course syllabus and a class schedule at the start of
the class, and every student seeking college credit must register before the class begins, or at the
time of the rst class meeting at the latest;
• College course competencies, content, and learning expectations must be made explicit to
students and must mirror the expectations outlined in the college master syllabus;
• Use of the textbook(s) specied in the master syllabus for the course;
• Performance of any assessment measures prescribed or the implementation of others as is necessary
to measure, ensure, and analyze student learning;
• All assignments or learning activities evaluated for grades or to determine concept/skill mastery are
to be examined using college-level rubrics and consistent with college-level expectations
• All students taking a WNCC college credit class, regardless of registration classication, location,
or school afliation, are required to participate fully in any universal learning assessment available,
such as common projects, papers, or nal exams established for that subject area
• Final grades must be awarded following the college grading scale
• All nal course grades must be led on the WNCC electronic grade roster system within ve