Date Received:
College Now! Appeal
Valid only for requested semester/term
TO BE COMPLETED BY THE STUDENT, please print clearly using black or dark blue ink:
Full Name
Student Signature & current date
Allan Hancock College Student ID Number
Personal E-mail Account
Appeal requested: Check the option(s) that applies to you.
*If approved,
College Now students may take a maximum of 6 units per semester. If a course requires an English or math
placement, you are required to take the START assessment in our Testing Center.
Freshman/Sophomore Eligibility
Grade Point Average (GPA)
Excess Units: If approved, how many units
Course Name (i.e. ENGL 101) Units Course Name (i.e. ENGL 101) Units
Course Name (i.e. ENGL 101) Units Course Name (i.e. ENGL 101) Units
s Required:
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
High School Administrator Signature Date
If you believe that the matriculation procedure or service is being applied in a discriminatory manner, an
appeal may be filed. On the second page of this form, please write a descriptive statement explaining
the reason for your appeal. Attach a copy of your high school transcript and AHC transcript (if
applicable) and any pertinent documentation to support your request as to why you wish to take a
course(s) at AHC. A letter of recommendation from a high school administrator or high school
counselor is highly recommended.
1. Complete the appeal.
2. Submit completed form to the office of the Dean, Student Services by the scheduled deadline.
Refer to the counseling website under “Important Dates”.
3. Notification: Students will be notified via student e-mail of the decision by the office of the Dean,
Student Servicesn. The review process takes up to 5 working days.
, you will be cleared to enroll.
Continue onto the second page
10 digit phone number
If approved for 12 or more units, YOU are responsible to pay all fees.
List ALL requested courses in the semester in which you wish to enroll:
_____ High School not in allowable county
Enter Semester and Year _________
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