College Now 504/IEP Form
Students with IEP or 504 plans who are requesting accommodations for SMSU College Now courses, will submit a copy of this cover
sheet along with the required documents to the College Now Office. Please note that not all accommodations included on 504/IEPs
are appropriate and approved for SMSU college courses. If a student wants or requires accommodations not approved by SMSU,
they may be allowed to take it for high school credit only and should check with their high school administration. SMSU will make
every attempt to make reasonable accommodations and provide assistance to our students. Any approved accommodations will
include all current and future SMSU concurrent enrollment courses a student may take. If additional accommodations are requested
for future courses, an updated request form will need to be completed. Both students and teachers will receive a copy of the
outcome of this request. We strongly suggest students schedule time directly with high school teachers to review together. Contact
the College Now Office with questions.
Student Name______________________________________________ High School _______________________________________
HS Graduation Date______________________ Student Phone Number _________________________________________________
Student E-Mail____________________________________________________________ Date______________________________
Requested Accommodation(s)
Required Documentation: 504 or IEP Form Written Documentation of Disability Letter from Diagnostician
Student Signature________________________________________ Parent Signature____________________________________
For SMSU College Now Use Only
Date _________________________ Reviewed By ___________________________________________________
Approved Accommodations________________________________________________________________________
Unapproved Accommodations______________________________________________________________________
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