College Application Fee-Waiver Request Form
Fee-waiver requests must be submitted to Upward Bound's office at least 2 weeks before the application deadline.
A limited number of fee-waivers are available on a first-come-first-served basis to eligible Upward Bound students who are applying to colleges that have agreed
to consider waiving their application fees. Up to 2 Request for Waiver of College Applications may be available for students in 12th grade. The directory of
colleges that have agreed to consider waiving their application fees is available at www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/sat/calenfees/feewaivers.html.
I, , am requesting a fee-waiver for the following college application(s).
(student first and last name)
College or University
Application Deadline
Office use only
Office use only
Waiver number
Office use only
Office use only
Date response received
It is the student's responsibility to ensure the fee-waiver is accepted by the college or university. In the event the fee-waiver is not accepted, for whatever
reason, the student will be responsible for all fees. Upward Bound is not responsible for the payment of college application fees. If the student fails to apply to
the college by the application deadline, eligibility for future fee-waivers will be forfeited. The student agrees to provide Upward Bound with a copy of an
acceptance or declination letter from the college or university when received.
Student Signature:
Parent Name (Print):
Parent Signature: Revised 1/7/10