Appendix 1
How many additional dwellings are needed in Cold Higham Parish?
Government policy as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework seeks to
increase significantly the supply of new housing and sets out the requirement for Local
Plans to meet the objectively assessed need for new homes “unless the adverse
impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits”.
The JCS will set the total minimum number of dwellings required for the urban and
rural areas of South Northamptonshire and will show how the agreed housing targets
will be delivered through the Plan period. This overall target is based on a calculation
of an ‘objectively assessed housing need’ that takes account of both the latest Office
of National Statistics (ONS) household projections and the 2011 Census results.
Having derived this housing need the next step was to develop realistic options about
how this requirement could be met. For the Joint Core Strategy this included
consideration of evidence such as the availability of sites taking account of
deliverability, viability and constraints.
An important part of the Local Plan will be to distribute the housing growth set out in
the JCS across the District. One way of considering how many houses should be
provided in a particular village could be to take the overall requirement for housing in
the rural areas and proportion this by village in relation to their existing number of
dwellings. Effectively this would give the ‘objectively assessed housing need’ for each
settlement area. This proportion could then be increased or decreased by
consideration of factors including:
• What is the existing housing mix within a village?
• What is the identified affordable housing need?
• what are the individual aspirations for each village for growth to assist in the
supporting local infrastructure, services and facilities or to seeking to reduce out
commuting to work?
• what level of development has previously been achieved?
• what sites are deliverable - suitable, available now, achievable and viable?
• what local environmental designations exist?
• What is the existing ability of a village to support additional housing in relation to
local facilities and transport links?
• What is the role of the settlement?
Appendix 1 sets out the numbers this would involve based on the current Core
Strategy figures. The assumption has been made that the rural part of the District has
23428 dwellings (data from the 2001 Census) and that the Joint Core Strategy
requires 3605 new dwellings in the rural area between 2001 and 2006. This gives a
15.5% increase in the number of dwellings in the rural area. The extract from the table
below sets out the housing numbers that would be required in Cold Higham before any
consideration of the issues set out above. However it needs to be stressed that this is
only a worked example and the final figure is likely to change as a result of changes to
the figures in the Joint Core Strategy. The Issues Paper asks for comments on this
approach. A copy of the table as it relates to all the villages within the District can be
found in Appendix 1.