Child’s Name
Encourage your child to try something new
Talk with your child about the size of items using words such a big/little, heavy/light, long/short. Talk about the
position of items using words such as in, on, under, behind, up, and down. Talk about shapes that have straight or
curving lines and label some basic shapes such as circles and squares. This beginning vocabulary helps with later
mathematical learning.
Talk with your child about what they are doing
Count items for important reasons during your daily routine. Count out three crackers for each person for a snack
or count how many apples you are buying at the store. Compare amounts using words such as “more”. Make two
small groups of items and talk about which group has more. Count together to see if you were right.
Ask for your child’s help with simple things
Matching one number name to each individual item is an important part of learning to count. Your child can
practice by giving one item to each person, putting one napkin at each chair for dinner, or putting one item in each
compartment of an ice cube tray or muffin tin. Make it fun and encourage your child to talk about what they are
doing (e.g. saying “one for you and one for you” or counting).
Have your child help prepare a snack or meal
Talk about the steps and ask your child questions. For example, you might ask, “How can we get the the batter out
of the bowl?” or “How many crackers do we need?” Help your child compare things (e.g. “The cracker feels hard
and the bread is soft. What happens when you bend them?”).
Clip and return to school.
Clip and Save.
Try to solve simple problems?
Play with new objects or try new things?
Stay with an activity or use a toy for a brief time?
Group things together that are the same in some way?
Pretend that they are someone else or pretend that an object is something else?
Often Sometimes Not Yet
Often Sometimes Not Yet
Often Sometimes Not Yet
Often Sometimes Not Yet
Often Sometimes Not Yet