Child’s Name
Solve problems
When you face a simple problem, ask questions such as, “What can we do to fix this?” or “How can we solve this
problem?” For example, when food or a drink spills or a toy rolls under the couch, think of ways to solve the
problem together and find tools that you can use to help. These questions can help your child develop important
problem-solving skills.
Explore cause and effect
Daily routines can be a chance to explore how actions make something happen. At bath time, talk about what
happens when they pour water on a dry washcloth or sponge. Make statements such as, “When you stand in the
sun, you get hot” and “You were running a lot and now you are breathing very fast” that tell your child how an
action causes an effect.
Plan an activity
Do an activity with your child that requires more than one step, such as cutting and gluing or mixing then pouring.
Before you begin, ask your child what they should do first, second, etc. When you talk with your child about the
steps in an activity or routine, it helps develop planning skills.
Clip and return to school.
Clip and Save.
Try something different when his/her first try doesn’t work?
Try different actions to see what might happen?
Ever make plans for what he/she is going to do?
Make plans for what they are going to do? (e.g. "I'm going to build/draw_____.")
Sort items into groups or match items that are the same in some way?
Draw pictures or “write” to represent an object or idea?
Often Sometimes Not Yet
Often Sometimes Not Yet
Often Sometimes Not Yet
Often Sometimes Not Yet
Often Sometimes Not Yet
Often Sometimes Not Yet