City of Gustavus Employment Application
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Applicant Name____________________________________________
Certification Statement
To be considered for employment, an applicant must include a signed
and dated certification that states as follows:
I certify that the information I have entered on this form is true and
complete to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the
position description for this job, a copy of which is attached to and made
a part of this application. I believe that I am qualified to assume and
perform the duties and responsibilities of this position. I understand that
if I deliberately conceal or enter false information on this form, that I may
be removed from my job; that nothing contained in this employment
application or in the granting of an interview is intended to create a
contract between me and the City of Gustavus for either employment or
the provision of any benefits; that information in this application will
become part of the public record; and that for the purpose of this
certification, a photocopy of my original signature shall have the same
force and effect as my original signature. I hereby authorize the City of
Gustavus, or its agents, to contact the references I provided as part of
this application in order to obtain additional information relevant to my
position- related background, education, skills and abilities. I
understand that, prior to making any offer of Page 7 of 7employment; the
City of Gustavus may request my authorization to conduct a confidential
background check to obtain additional information relevant to this
employment application.
____________________________________ ________________________
Signature of Applicant Date
For City of Gustavus Use Only
Arranged interview: Yes____ No____
Interviewer ____________________ Date____________________
Employed: Yes____ No____ Date of Employment _________________
Position Title
Hourly Rate/Salary Department
If applicant is hired, this application will be placed in the personnel file.
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