Updated December 2013
Eastern Wyoming College
Adult Basic Education Program
Code of Conduct/Dress Code Policy
Code of Conduct
For everyone to be able to learn well, the ABE program at Eastern Wyoming College, asks you
to please follow these rules:
1) be aware of the needs of fellow students.
2) do not disturb others with unnecessary noise, movement, swearing, or other disruptions.
3) do not physically or verbally abuse, threaten, hit or mistreat any person.
4) be courteous to and respectful of staff, students, and their property.
5) do not use, sell, possess, distribute or be under the influence of narcotics, drugs, or
6) do not be in possession of any item that could be considered to be a weapon.
7) adhere to building tobacco smoking and chewing policies.
8) do not bring children or other persons into the study rooms.
9) no fundraising, buying, or selling is permitted (such as Avon, Amway, or candy from
your child’s school).
10) taking plants or animals in to the school requires prior permission from the Director.
11) shut off cell phones when in class or when using lab facilities.
Program Dress Code
At all ABE centers throughout the EWC service area, learners will always:
be clean and odor free
wear shoes
All ABE learners enrolled in programs throughout the EWC service area will not:
dress in such a way that others are distracted from studying
dress in such a way as to be a danger to themselves or others
display immoral, obscene, or indecent messages or pictures
display messages or pictures promoting violence, gang activity or drugs
(including alcohol and tobacco)
Failure to follow the EWC Code of Conduct or Dress Code may result in dismissal.
I have read, or had read to me, and understand this page.
Student Signature:________________________________ Date:________________________
Instructor Signature:_______________________________ Date:________________________
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