Coast Capital Youth Education Awards
Media Consent & Release Form
I, _____________________________________________________________________________________ (type full name), in
exchange for participating in the Coast Capital Youth Education Awards program, agree to the following:
1. I give Coast Capital Savings Federal Credit Union (“Coast Capital”) permission to use the information provided
in this Application Form, (the “Material”), for promotional purposes (including posts and advertisements on
social media, the Coast Capital website, newspapers and other online and print platforms) related to the Youth
Education Awards program.
2. I agree that in giving this right and permission:
Coast Capital may use the Material including my full name and photograph.
Coast Capital may use the Material including my rst name only, but not my last
name or my photograph.
3. I agree that Coast Capital or a third party such as a communications consulting rm, working with Coast Capital
may use the Material through any media or printed format (such as newspaper, website or social media) without
compensation to me.
4. I understand that the Material may be available to the public indenitely.
5. I understand that the Material may be edited and I understand I may not have the chance to approve any nal
product, including any related social media posts, online materials, advertising copy, or printed matter, or how it
is used.
6. I understand that the Material may be used in the future for promotional purposes without my knowledge,
permission or compensation.
7. I understand that if Coast Capital authorizes third parties to republish the Material, Coast Capital may not have
control over the lifecycle of the content (i.e. when it is posted or published, when it is taken down).
8. I agree to release Coast Capital and its authorized representatives from any and all liability or fault arising out of
their publication, use, copyright, and/or republication of the Material. I agree not to make any claim against them
as a result of their publication, use, copyright, and/or republication of the Material.
I do not give Coast Capital permission to use any information in the Material in any way.
By signing below, I acknowledge that I am 17 years of age or older and that I have read this Media Consent and
Release Form and fully understand and agree to its terms, OR I am the Parent or Guardian of the above named award
applicant, and I acknowledge by signing below that I have read this Media Consent and Release Form and I fully
understand and agree to its terms on his/her behalf.
Award Applicant’s signature (type name here) OR
Signature of Parent/Guardian (type name here)
Dated ___________________________________, 2021
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