Coalville Special Expenses Community Chest Grant Scheme Application Form
17. Have you included the required documents?
A signed and dated copy of your organisation’s constitution
Copies of your most recent bank account statement
Policies in place that are appropriate to your organisation’s work and the project you
are asking us to fund
Safeguarding policies if your project directly involves children and young people
under the age of 18
Formal quotes of expenditure which cross reference to your project costings
Letters of support for example from your local councillor, schools, community groups,
businesses etc
It is your responsibility to have appropriate policies and procedures in place. Please tick appropriate boxes.
Please make sure that you have answered all of the questions in the form before sending it to us. If your
application is incomplete and is without the required information, this may result in your application
being delayed or even withdrawn from consideration.
18. Appeals against decision
If you disagree with a grant application decision, you can appeal. You will need to appeal in writing to
grants@nwleicestershire.gov.uk. This will be considered by our grant scheme assessor and you will receive a
decision within 28 days.
Data Protection
We may share information with organisations and individuals with a legitimate interest in our grant funding
programmes. We have a duty to protect public funds and for that reason we may also share information with other
government departments, organisations providing matched funding or for the prevention and detection of crime.
If you provide false or inaccurate information in your application or at any point in the life of any funding we
award you and fraud is identied, we will provide details to the fraud prevention agencies to investigate. We
might use the data you provide for research purposes. We recognise the need to maintain the condentiality of
vulnerable groups and their details will not be made public in any way, except as required by law.
On the success of your project, we retain the right to advertise your project in local and national media, including
social media.
Freedom of Information Act
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives members of the public the right to request any information that the
district council holds. This includes information received from third parties, such as, although not limited to grant
applicants, grant holders, contractors and people making a complaint. If information is requested under the
Freedom of Information Act we will release it, subject to exemptions; although we may choose to consult with
you rst.
By ticking this box you conrm that you understand North West Leicestershire District Council’s obligations under
the Data Protection Act from 1998 to 2018 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000. You accept that as long as
the Council’s actions conform to the relevant law it will not be liable for any loss or damage that your group might
suer as a result of the Council fullling its obligations.
Privacy statement – www.nwleics.gov.uk/grants
Email your completed application form and accompanying documents to