CLUB NUMBER ________
Club Growth & Increased Community Awareness Campaign Maximum 25 Points
List activities & efforts to increase the number of volunteer members working with the club and/or
raise awareness of the Club - and what it does in the Community (one should be a NOW Program.)
(Please include the following)
Description of Club growth activity and/or marketing campaign;
How many Members participated in the activity?
How many people were invited to the activity?
How many new Members were recruited due to the activity?
Describe any ancillary benefits to the community, Club or individual Members that resulted from
the activity.
How was Club & activity marketed to community, i.e. flyers, road signs, electronic, etc.?
1. ______________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________
(Attach separate sheet of paper noting additional Club Growth
& Increased Community Awareness Activities)
Total Points _________