Club Cash Handling Checklist and Acknowledgement
for One-time/Infrequent Events
Organization/Department ______________________________________ Date of Event _______________________
Given the risky nature of cash, strong controls are required in order to protect cash handlers and safeguard the cash in their
possession. Proper cash handling procedures can help assure that this is accomplished, and any money collected is accounted
for completely, deposited timely and recorded accurately in the financial system. For the purpose of this checklist, cash is defined
as coins, currencies, checks and credit card transactions received on behalf of the campus/department and any student
The below checklist is designed to help ensure that there are adequate cash controls in place to protect your
cash handlers and safeguard any cash received during this event.
This checklist will also help align your cash
handling practices with the District-wide Cash Handling Policies and Procedures, as well as best practices.
In order to ensure full compliance, the optimal answer to each of the steps below is "Yes". If your answer is "No", please contact
your campus business office to assist in providing guidance on ensuring that cash is adequately safeguarded within your area of
Please complete a checklist for each event and turn them in to the business office with your deposits.
Frequent reconciliations, reviews and continuous management oversight should be conducted to ensure that cash controls are
operating effectively.
Thank you for ensuring the security of your cash handlers, and the safe delivery of the cash in their possession.
You have assigned the cash handling responsibilities to person(s) who understands the basic cash
handling requirements and is capable of handling cash for this event (preferably an employee).
The person(s) responsible for handling cash during the event has read and signed the "One Time
Event- Cash Handling Acknowledgement Form':
If possible, there is dual accountability for cash whereby a witness is present to observe the cash
handler perform key cash functions like counting, recording, reconciling and depositing cash.
A blank daily cash log has been given to the cash handler to track/reconcile cash intake for this
event or sequentially numbered receipt book (preferably bound and with carbon copies), ticket
roll or a functional cash register with a z-tape will be used to record all transaction during the
Either a lockable cash bag/box or sealable tamperproof bank bag is given to the cash handler for
safeguarding and depositing collected cash. (Regular or interoffice envelopes are NOT tamper
The cash handler(s) has received and verified the amount of change fund in possession.
Change fund is removed from a lockable/sealable bag and placed into a lockable cash box (or till that
is secured and kept away from visibility).
The cash handler(s) has recorded their name, date, title of the event, change fund amount,
beginning receipt/ticket number and any supplementary beginning information required on the daily
cash log?
Created: 06/24/14 Club Cash Handling Checklist and Acknowledgement for One-time/infrequent events