Club Training
The Club President, Club Council Representatives, and Advisor(s) will have required training by ASCBC. This training will
be discussed at the initial club council meeting and correspondence will go out via email.
ADA Accommodations
ASCBC is committed to accessibility. If there is a student in your club who needs special accommodations
during club meetings, club council meetings, at events, or for training. Please have that student request
accommodations from the CBC Resource Center. The Resource Center and the Club Advisor will work
together to appropriately accommodate the student’s needs.
CBC Staff Club Advisor Agreement
Advisors should review this agree
ment and email clubs@columbiabasin.edu with any questions.
As the staff club advisor, I understand that I am expected to:
1. Understand the nature, objectives, and purpose of the club.
2. Attend club business meetings/activities and ensure minutes are taken at those meetings.
3. Foster teamwork within the club and help students develop leadership skills.
4. Work with the CBC Resource Center if a club member needs special accommodations in order to participate in
the club or its activities.
5. Be knowledgeable about and adhere to CBC & ASCBC policies, forms, procedures, travel requirements, and
purchasing processes.
6. Work with the club officers to ensure accurate recordkeeping and bookkeeping, including signing off on all
club business/events/activities through e-forms.
7. Support student club members as they actively recruit new club members.
8. Accompany members on all club-related outings, practices, events, and activities. (If unable to attend,
designate a substitute CBC staff member to act as the club advisor and representative of CBC.)
9. Be aware of safety issues and take steps to minimize the chance of injury. This includes getting a food worker card if
the club wants to serve food items that are temperature controlled or not individually pre-packaged.
10. Support and enforce responsible student behavior. In relationship to club events and travel, this includes
but is
not limited to:
• zero consumption of alcohol and non-prescription drugs (by students, staff, or volunteers) while traveling
with club members or at club sponsored events
• rowdiness that damages property or causes discomfort to others
• theft of property (hotel towels, bath robes, batteries, etc.)
11. Refrain from intimate or romantic involvement with students.
12. Promote a club environment that is free of harassment and discrimination.
13. Respond to all club emails, phone calls, and/or correspondence in a timely manner.
14. Recognize all club spending, solicitation of donations, and travel must be approved by ASCBC. This
includes local travel within the Tri-Cities.
Club Application Agreements
Club President Review and Signature
I have completed this application with the help of the other club members. I have reviewed this application with
the CBC
club advisor(s). I agree to uphold the purpose of my club and follow the counsel/rules set forth by the
ASCBC office, my
club advisor, and Columbia Basin College.
Student Signature & Date Printed name & SID