Clinical Placements Northwest
Student/Faculty Clinical Passport Requirements
This is a digital PDF and should not be handwritten.
By contract with your academic institution, all students and faculty participating in learning experiences at this healthcare site must meet the following health and safety
requirements. The academic institution is responsible for ensuring that requirements have been met prior to participation in the clinical experience. Records will be kept at the
academic institution and random review by the clinical affiliates will occur on a regular basis. Documentation must meet requirements at all times. Required immunizations must
include mm/dd/yyyy if available.
Annual TST OR
Annual TB IGRA test
• If newly positive TST/IGRA results → F/U with healthcare provider
(chest X-ray, symptoms check and possible treatment documentation
of absence of active M. TB disease) and may need to complete health
• Previously documented positive TST results and prior negative chest
X-ray results. Complete Annual Symptom Check Form. If any “yes”
responses → /F/U with healthcare provider.
• Proof of seasonal vaccination(s) OR
• Signed declination for student/faculty who decline vaccination
Specific healthcare institutions may require vaccination without
exception (i.e., no declination) http://flushot.healthmap.org/
• Initial 2-step TST is required AND confirmation of initial 2-step
• If no records of previous positive TB tests or more than 12 months
since last TST then 2-step TST OR
• Negative TB IGRA test within 12 months OR
• If negative TST within 12 months → 1-step TST
• If newly positive TST or TB IGRA → F/U healthcare provider (chest X-
ray, symptoms check and possible treatment documentation of
absence of active M. TB disease) and need to complete health
• If history of positive TST → provide results of TST reading, provide
proof of chest X-ray documenting absence of M. TB, medical treatment
and negative symptom check
• If history of BCG vaccine → TST Skin Testing as above or TB IGRA. If
negative → OK; If positive → follow-up as above
• Series of 3 vaccines completed at appropriate time intervals and post
vaccination titer at 6-8 weeks after series completion. If negative titer,
then repeat series (consisting of doses #4—#6) and repeat titer 6-8
weeks after#6 dose. OR obtain challenge dose #4 and re-titer after 6-8
weeks OR
• Provide results of positive titer (anti-HBs or HepB Sab) OR
• Signed declination for students/faculty who decline vaccination
Specific healthcare institutions may require vaccination without
exception (i.e., no declination)
• National Criminal Background Check and Washington State Patrol
Background Check (WATCH) upon admission/re-admission and re-
entry/hire to program to include all counties of residence & all
Washington State counties per RCW43.43.830 and OIG and GSA
screens. Excluded Provider search on:
1. OIG http://exclusions.oig.hhs.gov/ (conducted bi-monthly by
2. GSA http://www.sam.gov (conducted bi-monthly by CPNW)
• Washington State Patrol Background Check (WATCH annually
• Disclosure Statement (annual) and kept on file by education institution
MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
• Proof of vaccination (2 doses at appropriate intervals) OR
• Proof of Measles immunity by titer and
• Proof of Mumps immunity by titer and
• Proof of Rubella immunity by titer
LICENSE (If individual is licensed as any healthcare provider [RN, LPN, NAC,
etc.] and in what specific State)
• Current
• Unencumbered
• Professional Liability $1,000,000/3,000,000 policy (This may be
• Proof of vaccination (2 doses administered at least 4 weeks apart) OR
coverage via the school or individual)
• Proof of immunity by titer
Some healthcare settings may have additional requirements, such as the
• Tdap required once after age 11
• Td required every 10 years after Tdap
• Vehicle Insurance (for access to VA & Military Facilities)
• Personal Health Insurance
• American Heart Association (AHA) BLS Provider Card only
• Hepatitis A Vaccine
• Current First Aid Card
• Proof of U.S. Citizenship
• Kept on file by education institution
• Each healthcare organization will communicate to faculty and students
Students and Faculty will be informed prior to clinical experience if optional
any required educational content to be completed prior to participation
or additional requirements need to be met.
in the clinical experience.
Clinical Placements Northwest ©2019