The University of the State of New York
Office of Teaching Initiatives
Verification of Paid Experience Form for
Classroom Teachers and Pupil Personnel Services Professionals
This form must be completed and submitted by one of the following individuals: Superintendent, Superintendent’s
designee, Director of Human Resources, Chief School Officer of the approved non-public/independent school, or in the
case of Speech and Language Disabilities or Students with Disabilities experience only, the authorized official listed for the
approved contracting agency.
To verify classroom teaching experience, New York State employers with access to TEACH should enter a Superintendent
Statement onto the TEACH Online System instead of this form. All pupil personnel service experience must be submitted
via this form.
The form must be completed and submitted by the employer and must be sent to the Office of Teaching Initiatives via
email to . The Office of Teaching Initiatives will not accept the form if it is sent by the applicant.
It is suggested that the employer provide the certificate holder with a copy of this completed form for his/her records.
If the applicant is/was employed via contract with a public school district as a Speech and Language Disabilities or
Students with Disabilities teacher, the employer must submit a copy of the contract with the public school district in
addition to this form.
When completing the form, include the position (subject/title) and specific grade(s) taught for each year of employment.
• Examples of acceptable entries: Childhood Education – grade 5, Earth Science – grades 7-9, Students with
Disabilities/Special Education – Pre-Kindergarten. Acceptable teaching experience would be within the
grade/age level range of the certificate title sought.
Examples of unacceptable entries: “teacher”, “science teacher”, or wording that does not clearly identify the
position or subject taught (e.g., abbreviations, acronyms); “middle school”, “high school”, or wording that does
not clearly identify the specific grade(s) taught.
The end date of employment must be on or before today’s date; future end dates, "to present", and/or incomplete forms
will not be accepted.
Date of Birth: / / (mm/dd/yyyy)
Last 4 Digits of Social Security Number:
Certificate title(s) for which the certificate holder is requesting this form be completed:
If the applicant was employed in a continuous, full-time position for an entire academic year, enter the academic year of
employment (e.g., 2018-2019), position, and grade level(s) taught (see instructions above). One academic year is
considered 180 days between July 1 and June 30. For all other experience, please complete the "Part-Time Experience"
section on the next page.
Academic Year:
Position (Subject/Title): Grade Level(s):
Position (Subject/Title): Grade Level(s):
Position (Subject/Title): Grade Level(s):