Option #2: New knowledge and/or skills related to the goals laid out in the PCC mission:
Pasadena College is an equitable learning community dedicated to enriching student’s personal, academic,
and professional lives through comprehensive degree and certificate programs, campus engagement, and
customized student support.
2a. Please describe the new knowledge and/or skills you expect to learn at the conference/event and how these
will enhance your ability to support achievement of the
goals laid out in
the PCC mission.
Share Out Plan
In attending the previously described conference/event, you will have the opportunity to learn new knowledge and practices that if
shared out could benefit our college more broadly. In which of the following venues would you be willing to share out your learning?
Facilitate break out session on Flex Day
Facilitate break out session on Classified Day
Facilitate presentation in your area
Other: Explain ______________________________________________________________________________________
Agreement and Signature
I agree to execute my share-out plan within six academic calendar months of attending this conference. I understand that
if I fail to do this, I may not be eligible for funds next academic year. I also understand that this information may be
archived for public viewing.
Applicant Signature: Date:
Supervisor’s Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
Classified Senate President Signature
(or VP, if President not available): ______________________________________________ Date: ___________________________