Cerritos College
Complete an Employment Request and submit to HR
Write and submit a profile statement to HR. A profile statement is a brief description (no
more than two sentences) of the department and the initiatives, programs, or focuses of
the department and the division/area that may attract candidates.
Indicate which documents you want applicants to provide with their application package:
Classified employment application
Letter of interest
Unofficial transcripts
Letters of recommendation
List of references
Other: __________________________
Determine the closing date. Minimum 20 working days or the date on which a specified
number of applications are received (i.e., 150 applications) and notify HR
HR will prepare and send you a draft job announcement. Review job announcement and
return to HR with changes and/or approval
Form your Selection Committee
Classified Position:
o One manager who supervises the position
o One manager appointed by ACCME
o At least one (1) and not more than three (3) classified employee(s) as
determined by the supervising manager. CSEA will appoint employees from the
department or consult with the supervising manager on its appointment.
o Non-voting member (permissive): _________________________________
Confidential Position:
o Two managers, one of whom will be the manager who supervises the position.
The second manager will be invited by the supervising manager
o At least one and not more than three confidential employees OR at least one or
more confidential employee and one or more classified employees as determined
by the supervising manager, not to exceed three confidential and classified
employees. The President of the Confidential Employees Association will consult
with the supervising manager on the appointment of the confidential
employee(s). CSEA will appoint classified employee(s) from the department or
consult with the supervising manager on its appointment.
o Non-voting member (permissive): _________________________________
Submit to HR the names of the committee members. HR will check their Selection
Committee training status and contact those employees who need to be retrained. If no
one in the committee has been trained as Process Monitor (PM), HR will appoint a PM in
the committee.
Once HR confirms that all committee members have been trained, HR will contact the
Division Dean/Area Manager
Schedule the first committee meeting only when HR has cleared the committee. Notify
HR of the date, time, and location of first meeting. HR will prepare folders and have them
ready before your meeting (please allow reasonable time for the staff to prepare
documents for your first meeting).
Pick up the committee members’ folders from the HR office on the day of your first
committee meeting
At the meeting, ask the committee members to:
o Read and sign the Confidentiality Statement
o The Instructional Dean or Area Manager will be the Committee Chair
The committee will then:
o Develop a paper screening tool
o Develop interview questions, and any skill testing (including timelines)
o Calendar the dates on which the committee must complete the paper screening,
the date when the committee will meet to select candidates for interview, and the
dates on which interviews will be conducted
Submit information to HR. HR will release the applications to the committee when these
tasks have been completed
If the committee chose to have a Minimum Qualifications Screening Subcommittee (one
manager and one other member of the committee), HR will remove those applications
screened out by the subcommittee
Once the selection committee concludes screening the applications, HR will tally the
totals and have information ready for the meeting to select candidates for interview
The committee meets and selects candidates for interview. The Dean or Area Manager
notifies HR.
Dean/Area Manager and/or designee will make room and multimedia equipment (if
necessary) arrangements prior to the interviews
HR will contact candidates selected for interview once a room has been reserved.
On the day of the interviews, pick up the committee members’ folders from HR
The committee will vote on the candidate who will be placed on the Recommendation for
Employment form.
The Dean or Area Manager must submit all documents used during the selection
process and the signed Employment Recommendation to HR with name of candidate
selected for employment
The Dean or Area Manager will conduct reference checks for the candidate
recommended for employment. Three references are ideal, but two will be acceptable
If you have any questions about this Checklist, please contact the Director of Human
Resources/Risk Management at extension 2283.
Closing Date: