Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code
Change Request
Attach completed form to the CourseLeaf program page:
1. Click green Edit Program button.
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the form to Attach Additional Files.
3. Attach file and Save and Start Workflow.
ull name:
________________________________ Date: ________
mail address: ________________________________
Degree and program name: ____________________________________
Current CIP code: ____________________________________
Definition of current CIP code (from
New CIP code requested: ____________________________________
Definition of new CIP code (from
Office of the Registrar | University of Oregon form-cip-code (2021-05-10), page
Rationale For Change
Describe how the program has changed in a way that warrants a change to
the CIP code.
Explain why the new CIP code is a better fit for this program than the
current CIP code.
If you are requesting a change to a STEM-friendly CIP code, describe the
percentage of the program and specific course titles that are STEM-related.
Office of the Registrar | University of Oregon form-cip-code (2021-05-10), page