Right of Publicity
Secretary of State
500 E. Capitol Ave, Suite 204
Pierre, SD 57501
(605) 773-3537
Pursuant to SDCL 21-64-2, no person may use any aspect of a personality's right of publicity for
a commercial purpose during the personality's lifetime or for seventy years after the death of the
personality without the express written consent of the personality, or if the personality is deceased
without the express written consent of the personality's next of kin or other person or entity that
owns the right of publicity.
Name of Deceased Personality: __________________________________________________________
Date of Death: ________________________________________________________________________
Name of Claimant: _____________________________________________________________________
Address of Claimant: ___________________________________________________________________
Basis of the Claim: _____________________________________________________________________
Rights Claimed: _______________________________________________________________________
I declare and affirm under the penalties of perjury that this claim has been examined by me, and to the best
of my knowledge and belief, is in all things true and correct.
Claimant: ______________________________________ Date: _____________________________
$100 fee is required for this filing. Please make payable to the Secretary of State.
Please sign and return the filing to the Secretary of State’s Office at the address noted above.