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Do you have an Acas early conciliation
certificate number?
Yes No
Nearly everyone should have this number before they fill in a claim form.
You can find it on your Acas certificate. For help and advice, call Acas on
0300 123 1100 or visit
If Yes, please give the Acas early
conciliation certificate number
If No, why don’t you have this number?
Another person I'm making the claim with has an Acas early conciliation certificate number
Acas doesn’t have the power to conciliate on some or all of my claim
My employer has already been in touch with Acas
My claim consists only of a complaint of unfair dismissal which contains an application for interim
relief. (See guidance)
3 Multiple cases
3.1 Are you aware that your claim is one of
a number of claims against the same
employer arising from the same, or similar,
Yes No
If Yes, and you know the names of any other
claimants, add them here. This will allow us to
link your claim to other related claims.
4 Cases where the respondent was not your employer
4.1 If you were not employed by any of the respondents you have named but are making a claim for some reason connected to employment (for example,
relating to a job application which you made or against a trade union, qualifying body or the like) please state the type of claim you are making here.
(You will get the chance to provide details later):
Now go to Section 8
5 Employment details
If you are or were employed please give the
following information, if possible.
When did your employment start?
Is your employment continuing?
Yes No
If your employment has ended,
when did it end?
If your employment has not ended, are you in a
period of notice and, if so, when will that end?
5.2 Please say what job you do or did.