Change of Address (Only complete if your details have changed)
Street Address
Suburb State Postcode
Contact Phone Mobile Phone
Direct Credit Details (Only complete if your details have changed) Update direct credit details for future transactions? Yes No
Account Name BSB Number Account Number
Important Information
fit year(s)
Extras annual limits and service are based on financial years (1 July to 30 June). The date of service determines from which year the benefit is drawn. Hospital excesses are
payable once per person (up to twice per membership) in a rolling 12 month period, from the first date of admission.
Benefits are not payable where the service date is during a period of suspension, whilst the membership is unfinancial, or if the claim is submitted more than two years after the
date of service. Receipts will remain the property of Navy Health Ltd. Please make photocopies prior to submitting claims if you require them for your records.
Medical Prescribed Appliances (MPAs)
Receipts must be accompanied by a referral from a physiotherapist, chiropractor, osteopath or medical practitioner. The referral must state the patient name and that the
purchase is for medical reasons.
Did You Know?
You can update your details, view your claims history and more, via logging onto Online Member Services at and registering for access.
When claiming your benefits, at most providers, you can simply swipe your membership card at the time of service and have the claim immediately processed - no need to fill
out any forms.
Navy Health Limited
A Registered Private Health Insurer
ABN 61 092 229 000
PO Box 172, Box Hill VIC 3128
Telephone 1300 306 289 Fax 03 9880 7939
Email Web