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Sellers/Retailers Claim For Refunds
● Do not combine sales and use tax refunds on the same claim; le a separate claim for each tax account type.
For assistance in determining the breakdown of the tax rate on your invoice, see publication DR 1002.
● County Lodging and Local Marketing will have similar requirements to what is outlined.
(Continued on next page)
Note: The documentation requirements and examples listed
cover the most frequent claim types. The documentation
required will depend on the reason for overpayment. Some
claims may require additional information or a combination
of the documentation outlined.
Overpayment reasons such as duplicate payment (exact
same amount), a vendor’s fee paid in error, or a payment data
entry error, would not require the documentation outlined.
An example of payment data entry error would be you
intended to pay $5,000.00 and made an EFT payment for
1. Invoices or Purchase Orders
If your claim contains fewer than 100 invoices, submit
copies of all invoices for review.
If your claim contains 100 or more invoices, submit at least
25% for review which should include the following:
● The majority of the larger dollar amounts requested.
● Invoices for each customer submitted in the claim.
● Select invoices from each ling period requested in
the claim.
● If you are claiming tax paid by third-party
○ If you are claiming tax paid by third-party
vacation Rental Company, provide the
reservation invoices receipts along with the
third parties sales tax account number.
2. Proof of Refund to Customer
Proof tax was refunded to Customer such as a copy of
cancelled check or credit memo. If your claim contains
100 or more invoices, see the Invoices or Purchase
Orders section for the number of copies required.
3. Proof of Exemption
This could include a copy of the customer's resale
license or exemption certicate. Please see “Examples
of Documentation by Refund Reason”.
4. Support for Filing Error
This could include sales summaries or reports. Please see
“Examples of documentation by Refund Reason”.
5. Spreadsheet
You must attach supporting spreadsheet/schedule to
your claim for the original returns being amended that
shows all invoices on which sales or use tax was paid
with the following columns: (Highlight the invoices on
the supporting spreadsheet/schedule(s) and their related
amounts that are included in the refund claim.)
● Store/vendor or customer’s name;
● Address including street, city, and state;
● Date of invoice or purchase;
● Invoice number (attach copies of invoices);
● Amount of the sale before taxes;
● State sales/use tax paid, county sales/use tax
paid, city sales/use tax paid, special district sales/
use tax paid, etc. (separate column for each tax);
● Amount of refund being claimed;
● Indication of whether a copy of this invoice is
● A brief description of the item or service purchased;
● Explanation of how the item or service is used;
● A brief description of why the tax is not due (attach
proof that the money was refunded or credited to
your customer)
If you are applying for a refund from multiple periods and
multiple site locations, the invoices and related information
must be separated by period and location. Each period’s data
must be totaled separately.
Note: To reduce errors and for faster processing, electronic
spreadsheets are preferred (CD or USB).
6. Amended Returns
You must submit amended returns for each applicable
period and include separate returns for each site
(location) involved in the refund claim. The department
requires that the refund request match the sites
(branches) that are set up on the account otherwise the
refund request cannot be processed. To verify your sites,
go to, and select
"Find Sales and Use Tax Rates" under the Sales and
Use Tax category then select "View Business Location
Rates". You will be able to view all open sites. Any closed
sites will not show in the search. The site (where the tax
was remitted) must correspond to the appropriate site in
the refund request.
DR 0137 (06/28/21)