Continued on Reverse
Updated September 2016
Case No. __________
Fee __________
Receipt #__________
Date __________
City of Sherwood
Application for Land Use Action
Type of Land Use Action Requested: (check all that apply)
Annexation Conditional Use
Plan Amendment (Proposed Zone ________) Partition (# of lots ________)
Planned Unit Development Subdivision (# of lots ________)
Site Plan (square footage of building and parking area) Other: ___________________
Variance (list standards to be varied in description)
Note: See City of Sherwood current Fee Schedule, which includes the Publication/Distribution of
Notice” fee, at Click on Government/Finance/Fee Schedule.
Owner/Applicant Information:
Applicant: Phone:
Applicant Address: Email:
Owner: Phone:
Owner Address: Email:
Contact for Additional Information:
Property Information:
Street Location:
Tax Lot and Map No:
Existing Structures/Use:
Existing Plan/Zone Designation:
Size of Property(ies)
Proposed Action:
Purpose and Description of Proposed Action:
Proposed Use:
Proposed No. of Phases (one year each):
By submitting this form the Owner, or Owner’s authorized agent/ representative, acknowledges
and agrees that City of Sherwood employees, and appointed or elected City Officials, have
authority to enter the project site at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting project
site conditions and gathering information related specifically to the project site.
Land Use Application Form
Updated September 2016
Authorizing Signatures:
I am the owner/authorized agent of the owner empowered to submit this application and affirm
that the information submitted with this application is correct to the best of my knowledge.
I further acknowledge that I have read the applicable standards for review of the land use action I
am requesting and understand that I must demonstrate to the City review authorities compliance
with these standards prior to approval of my request.
Applicant’s Signature Date
Owner’s Signature Date
The following materials must be submitted with your application or it will not be accepted
at the counter. Once taken at the counter, the City has up to 30 days to review the materials
submitted to determine if we have everything we need to complete the review. Applicant can
verify submittal includes specific materials necessary for the application per checklist.
3 Copies of Application Form* completely filled out and signed by the property owner (or
person with authority to make decisions on the property.
Copy of Deed to verify ownership, easements, etc.
At least 3 folded sets of plans*
At least 3 copies of narrative addressing application criteria*
Fee (along with calculations utilized to determine fee if applicable)
Neighborhood Meeting Verification including affidavit, sign-in sheet and meeting summary
(required for Type III, IV and V projects)
* Note that the required numbers of copies identified on the checklist are required for
completeness; however, upon initial submittal applicants are encouraged to submit only 3 copies
for completeness review. Prior to completeness, the required number of copies identified on the
checklist and one full electronic copy will be required to be submitted.
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit