City of Santa Barbara
Affordable Housing Program
Interest List Form
NAME: _______________________________________________________________________
(First) (Last)
ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________
(Street) (City) (Zip)
PHONE: _______________________ EMAIL: _____________________________________________
# of Adults (18 yrs. & older): _______ + # of Children (under 18 yrs.):_______ = Total Household Size: _______
INCOME CATEGORY (refer to chart below): _________________________________________________________________________
Optional: I have been pre-qualified for a loan in the amount of: $____________________
Pre-qualified Loan Amount
I have funds available for a down payment in the amount of: $____________________
Down Payment Amount
I understand that occasionally an affordable unit becomes available for purchase when an existing owner decides to sell their unit
and existing owners may be provided with a copy of the City’s Interest List. I understand that existing owners are allowed to sell
their unit to any eligible household and that there is no guarantee that they will select their buyer from the City’s Interest List. I
further understand that the City’s Interest List may be provided to developers of City affordable ownership units but there is no
guarantee that the developer will notify me when new units are being marketed. I understand that the City’s Interest List is not a
waiting list. By signing below, I give the City of Santa Barbara permission to provide the information shown here to existing
affordable owners and to developers of City affordable ownership units. I acknowledge that I must submit a new Interest List
form every six months in order for my information to remain on the City’s Interest List.
______________________________________ ________________________
Signature Date
Email: or
City of Santa Barbara
Community Development Department
Attn: Housing Programs
P.O. Box 1990
Santa Barbara, CA 93102-1990
(effective 4/1/2020)
$0 - $78,350 $0 - $89,550 $0 - $100,750 $0 - $111,900 $0 - $120,900
$78,351 - $84,084 $89,551 - $96,096 $100.751 - $108,108 $111,901 - $120,120 $120,901 - $129,730
$84,085 - 112,112 $96,097 - $128,128 $108,109 - $144,144 $120,121 - $160,160 $129,731 - $172,973
$112,113- $140,140 $128,129 - $160,160 $144,145 - $180,180 $160,161 - $200,200 $172,974 - $216,216
click to sign
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