City of North Bend Commission Application
Home Phone: Cell Phone:
Business Phone: Email:
How long at residence: Best time to contact:
Commission desired: 1
Choice 2
Reason you are interested in serving:
Previous community activities:
Applicable education, occupational, and specialized experience:
Commissions make recommendations regarding monetary expenditures and/or benefits to certain areas
of the Community.
1) Can you foresee possible conflicts of interest with any of your current employment or civic positions?
2) When making decisions do you feel you could be impartial and base your decision on the overall need
and benefit of the community?
Are there days or evenings you would be unavailable to meet?
Please see the attached descriptions of Commissions for general information and meeting times.
Please return completed form and resume to:
City of North Bend, Attn: City Clerk, 920 SE Cedar Falls Way, P.O. Box 896, North Bend, WA 98045
For more information call 425-888-7627 or email:
City of North Bend Commissions
Parks, Recreation, and Beautification Commission: The Parks, Recreation, and Beautification
Commission consists of seven members, six with terms of four years and one youth member
that serves a term of one year. The Commission is an advisory body providing guidance and
direction in meeting the parks, recreational, and beautification needs of the City. The
Commission typically meets once every other month on Wednesday evening. See Municipal
Code Chapter 2.24 for more information.
Planning Commission: The Planning Commission consists of seven members with terms of four
years. The Commission shall prepare and recommend coordinated plans, regulations and
restrictions for the physical development of the City. The Commission typically meets twice per
month on Thursday evenings. See Municipal Code Chapter 2.28 for more information.
Business and Economic Development Commission: The Business and Economic Development
Commission consists of five members with terms of four years. The Commission provides
recommendations to the City Council for North Bend’s economic growth and development
based upon specific work plans or projects as assigned by the City Council. The Commission
typically meets once a month on Thursday afternoon. See Municipal Code Chapter 2.30 for
more information.
Please see North Bend Municipal Code (NBMC) Chapter 2.24, 2.28 and 2.30
for full complete details of each Commission.
The NBMC may be accessed at
by clicking on the Municipal Code link.