City of Nashua
Parking Department
229 Main Street, Suite 234
Nashua, NH 03060
To dispute a parking ticket please fill out this form. The citation will receive an administrative review and you will
receive a response within 5-7 business days. This form must be filled out completely and accurately. If the citation is
deemed valid, you will be notified that you must pay the fine. If you disagree with our decision you have the right to
request within 5 business days, by replying to this email or under separate cover, an Appeal Panel review of our actions.
Date: ______________________________________ Parking Citation Number: ________________________
Name: _____________________________________ Citation Issue Date: _____________________________
Address: ___________________________________ Vehicle Plate Number: ___________________________
City, State, Zip: ______________________________ Plate State: ____________________________________
Telephone: _________________________________ Location: ______________________________________
Email: _____________________________________
Reason for Requesting Appeal:
If you need additional room for explanation use backside of sheet
Parking office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM. All administrative reviews must be received within
60 days of issuance. Payment of the citation is an admission of the parking violation.
City of Nashua
Parking Department
229 Main Street, Suite 234
Nashua, NH 03060
To attach Video or JPEG Images, submit here or enter link: __________________________________________________
I do hereby certify that all information I have provided the department is accurate and complete. This review request
form is signed or sent electronically under penalty of Unsworn Falsification pursuant to RSA 641:3.
I do agree to terms and conditions.
Signature__________________________________________ Date______________________________________
NOTE: Use of this form is not required. A signed letter may be submitted instead, but must include all of the above
information. Disposition of this appeal will be given to the registered owner of the vehicle.
We are unable to dismiss parking tickets for any of the following reasons:
I was just there for a short time, Lack of legal parking space, Lack of convenient parking space, Time constraints (only a
minute late), Lack of funds (no change), No one else got a ticket, Did not see a sign, Parked in same area and never
received ticket before, I was parked on-street in front of my residence, Unaware of City of Nashua Parking Regulation, I
didn’t intend to do it, The fine is too much, or unaware there was a snow emergency issued/lifted.
Updated 4/3/20
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